Chapter 2

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We just had our entrance ceremony. I sit in the dorm I call my own. How am I supposed to proccess this? A killing game? There's no way this is real right? This has to be a dream! I take off my shoes and put them on the table. I take out my hairpin and place it next to them. I do the same with my sweater. I hear a ringing from the TV.

"Ahem, it is 10pm therefore it is now nightime. The doors to the dining hall will soon be locked and entry at that point is prohibited! Good night! Don't let the bed-bugs bite!" Monokuma said on the speaker. I plop down on my bed, and soon enough, fell into a restless sleep.


I put on my clothes and tie on my shoes. I walk into the hall and accidentally bump into Byakuya.

"Kya!" I exclaim as I fall back into my room.

"Watch where you're going, peasant," He says coldly. I quickly get up.

"Excuse me! But I am no peasant! Have you know I come from a very wealthy and prestigeous family!" I exclaim. He scoffs.

"Fine, you're a brat then," He says glaring at me.

"Then that makes you a brat too!" I exclaim pointing at him. He looks shocked, and that shock turns to anger.

"How dare you..! You... You filthy brat!" He yells.

"Hey at least I don't go flexing on everyone by wearing a suit 100% Of the time!" I yell.

"Do you think no one would notice those Sakuroku brand shoes and leotard?" He asked.

"You only know because of your wealth, you end up learning a lot of things because of it, I know first hand," I say crossing my arms.

"Who are you anyway?!" He asks.

"You seem to have forgotten already, I am the ultimate ballerina, F/N L/N, youngest daughter of the L/N family," He seems shocked. Did he already forget my name?

"I've seen you before..!" he exclaims pointing at me.

"What do you mean?" I say. How could he had seen me before? it doesn't add up.

"I went to one of your performances when I was young, Swan Lake," He says. He saw my performance of Swan Lake? There's no way... Right?

"I'm sorry you probably have me confused with someone else..." I say walking to the dining hall. I shove my keys in my pocket.

During breakfast all anyone talks about is getting out. Sure I want to get out, but I wouldn't mind staying for a while. The world sucks anyway. I eat cookies for breakfast. We end up going to explore the school. I run into Makoto.

"Oh Hey Makoto-kun," I say.

"Hi Y/N-San," He says.

"Have you found anything yet?" I ask.

"Nothing yet," He replies.

"Oh, well I'm going to keep on looking, see you later Makoto-kun!" I exclaim running off.

Makoto POV

How do I explain this... My name is Makoto Naegi! And I... I'm in love with Byakuya Togami, but I have a feeling Y/n does too, I mean- I saw the way she stared at him... Ugh- He would never like someone like me- Like- his net worth is billions of dollars, meanwhile, mine is 3 cents.

(Btw Sakuroku is a name I made up)

"Like I Would Have Time For Love," ~ (Byakuya Togami X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now