Chapter 5

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Byakuya POV

I look over at Y/N I know she and that degenerate were close. I see her put her hands over her mouth. Monokuma starts talking to us but I don't even pay attention. Y/N is paper white. She was crying without any noise. No one else seems to notice, they're all paying attention to Monokuma. Sakura carries her out of the room. Once we all head back to our dorms I quickly get her sweater. I knock on her door. She doesn't answer. I knock again. I know it's nightime but... She opens the door. The smell of lavender from her room finds it's way to my nose.

"Hey I-" I don't even get to finish my sentence. She grabs her sweater out of my hands and shuts the door. How rude! She could at least have given me a- I guess I shouldn't think like that... She did just lose one of her closest friends after all. I head back to my dorm and head to bed.


Tsk... My old habit... I had opened up my sewing kit. Inside there was a razor. I resist my urge to cut up my arms. I lay down on my bed. I stare at the scars on my arms. Then I take the ring and hold it close. There's almost no way I'm going to sleep tonight... Leon's execution won't stop playing through my head. I hear an 'Upupupu' but when I look over, instead of monokuma I see a black velvet box on the table. I go over and open it up. I almost throw it across the room. It's a box with all of Leon's Jewelry, but.... it's dripping in his pink blood. I touch the padlock necklace, the blood is still warm. I instantly jerk my hand back. I close the box and put it in a drawer. I go back to my bed and hold the ring.

"I wanna marry you Y/n!" Leon says standing under the cherry blossom tree on my family's estate.

"Leon, come on I'm sure you want someone else," I say with a laugh.

"No! I wanna marry you!" He exclaims. His dark red hair was fluttering in the wind. At this point, it was just in a regular hairstyle, no buzzcut, no spiked up hair.

"Here, let's promise, if you still wanna marry me when we grow up, we'll get married!" I exclaim.

But then...

Leon is executed in front of my eyes.

The next morning I abruptly wake up to Monokuma's announcement. I stay in my bed. There's sweat going down my face. I head someone knock on my door. I open it to see Hina.

"Hey, Y/N-Chan... How are you doing?" She asks. She notices I don't look okay.

"I'm okay," I say rubbing my arm.

"Alright, do you want to come to breakfast?" She asks.

"I'm alright..." I say looking at the floor with a smile.

"Okay then, I'm going to the dining hall," She says.

"Thanks for checking on me Hina-Chan," I say with a small smile. She smiles.

"No problem! I'll see you!" she says heading to the dining hall. I close the door and slump down. I sit there and stare into space. About an hour later, I get a knock on my door. I open it to see Makoto.

"Oh, Hi Makoto-kun," I say with a smile. He hugs me.

"Eh-?!" I exclaim.

"I'm so sorry Y/N-Chan..." He says.

"Oh... Makoto-Kun...." I say hugging him back. Hina sees us in the doorway.

"Group hug!!!" She exclaims hugging us. I smile. Then Sakura comes and joins. Then Hiro comes and joins in. We all laugh.

"How foolish," Byakuya says passing by my room, Toko following close behind. She makes an Akanbe and continues following Byakuya. I sigh.

"Like I Would Have Time For Love," ~ (Byakuya Togami X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now