Chapter 10

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It's the next day. And I'm afraid that Syo-Chan is gonna murder me.

"YOU BITCH!" She shouted as she chases me down the hall. I see Hiro-kun going into his dorm.

"HIRO-KUN TAKE ME WITH YOU!" I yell as I bolt into his room right before he shuts the door. He locks it keeping Syo-Chan out.

"Thanks Hiro-kun," I sigh as I rub my head and get up from where I was sitting on the floor.

"What did you do for her to change like that?" He asks.

"Start dating Byakuya-kun," I say.

"YOU WHAT?! NO ONE TOLD ME- WHEN DID THIS-" He yells confused.

"Yesterday, and Byakuya-kun let it slip to Toko-" I say before I hear a commotion outside. Me and Hiro open the door a crack to see what's going on. Syo is gone and has been replaced by Byakuya-kun.

"You can come out now," He says irritated.

"Thanks Hiro-kun!" I exclaim.

"No problem," He says. Me and Byakuya walk away and go to my room. I immediately leap onto my bed and Byakuya sits at my desk.

"Hey, what's this?" He asks as he holds up the black velvet box.

"Hey! Leave that alone!" I exclaim sitting up. But before I can, he opens it.

"Are these-" I cut him off.

"Yes! Now give them to me!" I exclaim before taking the box from him. Leon's jewelery... They're still stained with his blood. I mean, it's dried now but... The dark pink is still very much apparent. I quickly close the box and put it carefuly in a drawer.

"You took-" He starts but I cut him off.

"No... Mr. Monokuma... He gave them to me... I haven't had the heart to clean them yet..." I say. Suddenly I feel byakuya's arms around me. I grab his arms and hug them. I turn around into his chest. He strokes my hair as I feel the tears start rolling down my cheeks. I look up at him and give him a kiss. The kiss is long. We only part because there's a Monokuma announcement.

"Everyone, please gather in the gym!" He says.

"A new motive," We agree. We head to the gym. What was waiting for us there, was something we weren't prepared for.

"Like I Would Have Time For Love," ~ (Byakuya Togami X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now