Chapter 11

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We walk into the gym and Monokuma picks up Byakuya and brings him tot he stage. Suddenly he's chained up to a pole. Leon's execution flashes in my head.

"Well everyone, if a killing does not happen within 24 hours, Mr. Togami here will die, and be smooshed by that," He points to the grand piano hanging above him. I see the color fading away from Byakuya's face. I... I have to save him!

After Monokuma leaves I rush up to the stage. I walk up to the pole.

"Byakuya-kun..." I say. I see the tears in his eyes.

"I guess this is it huh..?" He asks. What does he mean?! I hug him.

"No! I'll get you out of here, I promise," I whisper.

"But... You could die," he says.

"If I die, then I die, as long as you get out of here I'll be happy," I say smiling at him. He looks down at me with pain in his eyes.

"You're... You're so stupid," He says closing his eyes. I cup his cheek and go on my tippy toes to kiss him on the forehead.

"I promise I'll be back," I say before running away. I make some soup for Taka again. I need to figure out who, and how to kill. I bring the soup to Taka's room. I open the door to find him with a knife in his hand. I drop the bowl and rush into the room.

"Taka-Kun!? What are you doing!?" I shout, the door closing behind me.

"I... I was going to... Make sure Togami-San doesn't die, and no one gets executed, for your sake," He says. I put my hands over my mouth.

"I knew you were going to do something drastic, and I didn't want you to end up- t-to end u-up l-l-like... My bro," He says putting the knife over his chest.

"WAIT!" I yell grabbing the blade of the knife. I instantly feel a searing pain in my hand.

"Y/n-San!" He exclaims.

"Please... I... I can't watch another person die," I say.

"But... Y/n-San, could... Could you kill me then?" he asks.

"I'm sorry, you've already done so much for me... but..." He says. I take the knife from his hands and throw it across the room, I see my pink blood fly across my face. I push him forward and he falls backward.


"I'll save him... I'll save Byakuya even if I have to take my own life!" I shout.

"Y/N-San... Please, please kill me, so I can be with my bro..? As my last request, also, if you win, you get to leave, it's the least I can do for all you've done for me," he says. I look at the floor.

"Did... Did you really love him that much..? That you would die to be with him..?" I ask.

"Yes, I do, I love him with all my heart," He says.

"Then... Then I don't want you to be in pain any longer... It must hurt so much... I... I don't want you to look all bloody when you see him either. Taka-kun... I'm sorry... I'll do it," I say.

"Thank you, Y/n-San," He says smiling.

"But... I won't stab you, I... I want you to go in the most painless way possible," I say, " I'll be back tonight," I leave and shut the door behind me. The day goes by in a flash, and right before nightime I hear a knock on my door. I answer it to see Taka-kun.

"You'll need this for tonight," he says handing me his dorm keys. I nod. He leaves and I close the door.

I wait for a while until monokuma announces it's nightime. I wait about two hours till it's midnight. I grab my pillow and walk out into the hall and unlock the door to Taka's room. I walk in and find a picture on the floor. In the picture is Byakuya, me, Sayaka, and Leon. It looks like a double date. What's it doing here? Also how are we outside? We're under a cherry blossom tree. I pick up the picture and put it on Taka's desk. I walk over to him. He's sweating. He's having a nightmare. I sit on his bed and wipe some of the beads of sweat off of him. I decide to sing him a lullaby to calm him down.

"Come and quickly change your clothing and go in my place I will stay behind and wait while you make your escape It will be okay I was born to live this day Not a single soul will know that you got away”

And now I am the queen and you’re living on the run Heaven pity the twins who were hated and were shunned If they say you’re the devil a demon in the flesh By my blood I’m the same and will bear the fate you left

So long and faraway there was a kingdom grand Lawless and despised by all those upon its land Sitting atop it all and smiling with grace Was the sister that I loved and who now I take the place Even if the world were to send you their vice If they damn your name as they gather and cry I will never stray and will stay by your side So just smile somewhere in a better life

Oh my lady, my queen, I will serve until I die Fate had given us life, now the twins are damned with spite If someday we’re reborn and are pardoned all of our crimes Let us walk hand in hand to a world filled with light"

He seems to calm down, so I stop singing.

"I'm sorry... Taka-kun," I say, the tears rolling down my face, as I bring the pillow closer to his head. I stop. I give him a kiss on the forehead. Then I start to put the pillow on his face, careful not to wake him. I start to cry. He's been through so much. I hope this is peaceful for him. After about 30 minutes, of which I had my eyes clenched shut tight while crying, I open them to see the rising and falling of Taka-kun's chest has stopped. I take off my pillow to see him with a smile on his face. Did he wake up..? I... I hope it was painless.

"I'm sorry," I say taking my pillow. I see Mondo's jacket on his desk chair. I pick it up and put it on Taka. Then I walk out and lock the door behind me. Thankfully, it's my turn for cleaning duty. I throw the key into the incinerator and go back to my room. I leave my pillow on the chair. I crumble to the floor. What have I done?! I know he asked for it but... Taka-kun is gone for good...

"Like I Would Have Time For Love," ~ (Byakuya Togami X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now