Leon Chapter 4

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Leon POV

She told me to come to her room. 

And now she's dead.


I jolt awake to the sound of Monokuma's voice.

"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!¨ He said as always. I guess I just became used to it. I go start walking to the dining hall when I see Makoto standing outside the door to Sayaka's dorm. He's paper white, and he looks as if he's seen a ghost. 

"Maizono-San... She's dead... Sh-She's dead..." he says slowly.

"W-What?! Let me see!," I say, going into the room. The room definitely has signs of a struggle. I head to the bathroom. The door is already open and the handle is broken. 

I scream. 

Junko just got speared by Monokuma. I don't want to be here anymore. Leon looks extremely shaken up, which makes sense. I mean, his crush did just die. I'll spend investigation time with him.



I ended up staying in my room with Leon comforting him. But...

"Y/n, just incase anything happens, I want you to have this." he says pulling off one of his rings.

"But Leon this is your grandma's-" He cuts me off.

"I know, and... You're the girl I want to marry Y/n!" He exclaims with a smile. 

"Leon- Leon, I love you, romantically, I want to marry you too," I smile and hug him. 

"I love you too Y/n," He whispers in my ear. 

We cuddle, and fall asleep.


"Leon! Wait for me!" I called after my best friend.

"Catch me if you can Y/n!" He exclaimed before running into a tree.

"Stupid Leo-" before I could finish my sentence a small rock was thrown at my head. I felt some blood streaming down my face.

"Ha! How stupid do you really think he is? You're the one trying to surpass us "Ms. Ballet Prodigy". You'll never even perform in a show!" My eldest sister laughed as she walked away. I started to cry. 

"Leon- You should go home..." I said through my sobs. 

"No! I'm not leaving you Y/n!" He exclaimed hugging me. 

"Leon... if my mother catches you she'll never let you see me again, you have to go," I cried. 

"No! I don't want to leave you-" He said, but...

"Y/N WHO IS THIS?!" I heard my mother's voice yell. 

"M-Mother! I-I-" I started. 


"LEON!" I yelled, reaching out to him. 

"Y/N!" he yelled back, reaching for my hand, as the guards dragged him away. 

"Like I Would Have Time For Love," ~ (Byakuya Togami X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now