I shall stop when everyone acknowledges canon

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Welcome to my rant session number, I don't know anymore.

This time, we shall discuss on why soldier!Cross is different from canon Cross.

First, I know that Cross being an obedient soldier is a appealing concept.

However, that means you ignored canon Cross's actions and personality.

You might say that Cross was a royal guard, and doesn't that mean he was a soldier?

Maybe, but was he an obedient one?

If he was,then him becoming the X-event should not have happened at all.

Also, he had only joined the royal guard because he wanted to protect Xfrisk.

And he does not listen to his superior's orders without a question.

Cross is a warrior and was a protector.

Not a soldier.

Second, I consider pre X-event Cross as lawful good.

Because while he may follow the rules, he can break it when he believes that it is for the greater good.

Not a perfect soldier who obey the rules well, eh?

And X-event Cross...

He's a chaotic neutral who follows his heart. Doesn't that explain it? Can you imagine Ink being a good soldier?

I know that people often make him as lawful evil.

But lawful evil lacks empathy for others and is willing to do anything to get what they want.

Also, they are careful about giving their words and organized.

Cross is none of that.

He can feel guilt,regret and other emotions.

He still can understand and share his feelings with other people if they gain his trust.

Cross disagrees with torture and playing with someone's emotions. (That doesn't mean that he cannot hurt someone though.)

Moreover, he is reckless and disorganized.

(The reason why I mentioned pre x-event cross is because when you try to get Cross as a character, you need to understand his past first before you get his present.)

Thank you for reading this.

Also, I might edit this when underverse 0.6 comes out.

Me trying to draw his canon fangs: 

Me trying to draw his canon fangs: 

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