Acknowledge Power

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Reporter:We're live at Tokyo, Japan where every people looks shock when they see one meteorite that come to them.

Man:I see it with my own eye that meteorite just come here and I see one monster at that thing Suddenly...

TV close


Sho Mom:Time to eat.Come on.

Sho:But I just...

Sho mom:*Angry glare*.

Sho :Fine,mom I will eat.

Sho mom:That's my son.


Sho:Don't laugh you bat.

Kivala:I'm just kidding.

Natsumi :It's looks like you two make a great partner.

Sho:Mom can I go out for a while.

Natsumi:Yes, you can but don't come home late.

Sho leave his house.


At the park

Kaito walking at the park and heard his name being call.

??? :Sho... Sho.

Sho:He... Hello sir did you call me just now.

??? :Yes I want to give you this.

Sho:What is this?

??? :This thing will help you to become stronger.

Suddenly that guy dissappear.

Sho:That guy really fast. Anyway what the hell is this?

Sho walking back home and see something that make him shock.

Sho:Kivala... What happen why did you injure.


Sho run to his house.


Arrive at home.

??? :Your not so strong Natsumi Hikari. I just ask you one simple question where is your son?

Natsumi:I will not tell you.

??? :Fine then you're useless now. I will kill you.

Sho:No mom!

Sho run to his mom.

Sho:Mom, no... no stay with me mom... Stay with me.

Natsumi:I'm...sorry... I fail. Don't lose hope. I'm really happy that you with me all this time.

Sho:Mom... Mom... Mom!


??? :This thing will help you to become stronger.

End of flashback

Sho:You! You! I will make you pay!

Sho place his rider belt and take one card and put it on his belt.

Sho:Hen... shin!



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??? :So you have awaken your power. Fine then i just need to kill you.

Dark decade:You make wrong decision to fight me.

Dark decade take one more card and put it on his belt.


??? :That move it's fast.

That monster can't counter all Dark decade attack.

Dark Decade:Now I will finish you.

Dark Decade using his final attack card.


Before Sho can finish him that monster dissappear.

Sho dehenshin and go to his mom.

Sho:I'm sorry mom I can't save you.

2 days later

Sho:I will kill that monster I know he have rider power too.

Kivala:So, what should I do now?

Sho:Free Kivala we may never see each other again but I will not forget you.

Kivala:You want me to get back to my world.

Sho:This is the best for you.

Kivala:I will miss you. Don't make yourself die okay.


Kivala:This is my final goodbye.

Sho:Me too.

Kivala go to her world again while Sho see the man who give him that driver.

Sho:How can I get my revenge?

???:If you really want revenge you can do that but you need to collect all dark rider card from every single time and space. Can you do that.

Sho:Why I should collect all dark rider power?

???:Because that guy will take every single kamen rider power from every time and space and the only way to stop him is the dark rider.

Sho:So I just need to collect dark rider powers. I understand.

???:Be careful and I wish you good luck.

Sho:Thank you, weird man.

Sho take his motorcycle and start to travel to another timeline.

Next part:New adventure begins

Kamen Rider Dark Decade : New Destiny Where stories live. Discover now