World Of Oni

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Ryo:What, what happen to our motorcycle?

Sho:This is bicycle but I'm really sure we ride our motorcycle just now and what the hell look at this why I'm even wearing the uniform.

Ryo:That's weird.

???:It's mean you guys exist on this world.

Sho and Ryo:Arghh! Who's talking?

???:This two are total dumbass.

Sho realise that sound come from his pocket.

Sho:Who are you?

???:Well hello, my name is kiva the 6th.

Ryo:This story is become more weird Don't you think readers

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Ryo:This story is become more weird
Don't you think readers.

Sho:Wait, did you just...

Ryo:No,... Back to the topic where are you come from?

???:Im from the future. I'm from year 2060.

Sho:Who send you?

Kiva:My Aunt, kiva-la.

Ryo:Who's kivala?

Sho:I think she doesn't trust me. I told her I can handle it. Wait how long you've been inside my pocket.

Kiva:Just now, I always follow you guys from day 1. Sometime I hide under the tree.

Sho:First of all no one see you not us not even the readers.Oh fourth...

Kiva:This human... Why are you guys so dumb.

Ryo:I doesn't want to intterupt you guys but I think we've should find Kamen rider Hibiki.

Sho:Yeah let's go even with this bicycle.

Kiva:Hey, wait for me.

Ring ring ring ring.

Sho:Can you just stop play that bicycle bell.


Sho:Fine then Kiva bite it.

Ryo:Don't you dare bat or i will make sure you're death.

Kiva:Do it yourself Sho.

Sho:You know what I starting to hate you.

Kiva:And I took that personally.

Ryo:I see perfect chemistry for you two.

Sho:Yeah whatever.

Ryo:Someone just angry.

Sho:Wait did you hear that.

Kiva:I think I hear something.

Ryo:Let's go.

They see one woman get beating up by makamou and someone comes to that woman.

???:Makamou. *TING*. HIBIKI.

Fire burn to that man and turn him into Kamen rider Hibiki.


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Ryo:Sugoi. What kamen rider is that.

Sho:Kamen rider Hibiki.

Kiva:That rider looks like edo era rider.

Sho:So you're saying he's old.

Kiva:kind of.

Ryo:Can I kill that bat.

Kiva:Hey, I'm not the toy that you guys can destroy.

Sho:Can you shut up for 10 hours.


Sho:Fine then. Ryo I leave this bat to you.

Ryo:Hey, wait what should I do with this dumb bat.

Kiva:Who did you just say dumb?




Dark Decade:I will be your opponent get ready.

That makamou attack kamen rider dark decade.

Dark Decade:Hey, hibiki save that woman life I will handle this monster.

Hibiki:Are you sure?

Dark Decade:Yep. *Take new card *


Dark Decade:That fire doesn't hurt

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Dark Decade:That fire doesn't hurt. Get ready you ugly monster.

Dark Decade continue attack all that monster until majority of that monster die. The only one left is the leader of makamou.

Dark Decade:I will finish you with my final attack power.


Kiva:Wow he so strong doesn't he Ryo.

Ryo:I don't know I just know him for 2 days.

Hibiki:He really powerful.


Hibiki:He is the son of kamen rider decade doesn't he.


Hibiki:He choose the different path even with the dark rider. Can you guys please give this card to him I'm really sure it's gonna help him.

Ryo:I will give it to him.

Hibiki:My job here is done time to go.

Ryo:Wait... What is your real name.

Hidaka:Hitoshi Hidaka. That's my name. Bye.

Hitoshi Hidaka left. While dark decade dehenshin and go back to Ryo and Kiva.

Sho:Where is Hibiki?

Ryo:He already left. He told me to give this to you.

Sho:Next world waiting for us let's go to the next world.

Ryo:Let's do this.

They ride that bicycle and go to the time and space teleporter.


???:Cast off.


Next part:Speed World

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