World Of Mirror

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Sho:Well,well,well I already see two rider come on I just come here.

??? :Another rider.

Sho:You're too easy for me. So for your own benefit. Please get lost.

??? :How about no?

Sho take his card.

Sho:You really play with my patient henshin.


Dark Decade:So who wants to go first.


Dark Decade:Yes, you weird jaguar.

Tiger:I'm tiger.

Dark Decade:Three words I don't care.

Sho take his attack card.

Driver:Attack ride :blast.


Dark decade:What already die... So weak. The other one who are you goat?

Imperer:That's not funny.

Imperer take his final attack card.


Dark Decade:I will finish you then you useless rider. *Take his card*.


???:You who are you?

Dark decade:You're the rider from this timeline doesn't you. Ryuki.

Ryuki:I will pay for what you done.

Dark decade:I just want to complete my mission but you're interfere me.

Ryuki take his final vent card.


Dark decade:I don't have any choice. I need to use this card.

Dark decade take one card that Kamen rider Agito give to him.

Decade driver:Kamen ride:Ryuga.

Dark decade:How about that?

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Dark decade:How about that?


Dark decade:Fine I don't have any choice doesn't I.

Dark decade take ryuga final attack card.


They using rider kick together but someone just stop them.

??? :Why you guys doesn't tell me that there is party here.

Dark Decade:What the hell? Who are you.

Ouja:Ouja, Kamen rider Ouja.

Dark Decade:The psychopath. I learn a lot about you.

Ryuki:I want to defeat you but I think we're on the same side doesn't it.

Dark Decade:Yeah, how about we make a peace and defeat him together.

Ryuki:Good idea.

They fight ouja but realise ouja is to strong so they using their final attack.




Dark Decade:Do this.

Ouja:No... Arghh!

Ryuki:We did it.

Dark Decade:I guess so...

Ryuki:So, What are you doing here and who are you?

Dark Decade:Sho, Kadoya Sho kamen rider dark decade. I come here actually to find my enemy but I guess I'm too late. Anyway what is he taking from you.

Ryuki:Wait, That weird monster. That's your enemy he just taking my small piece of card and take it with him.

They both dehenshin and continue talking.

Sho :I will find him. I forgot what is your name?

Kido:Kido, Shinji Kido.

Sho:Nice to meet you Kido. I want to talk more with you but I still have another world to save. Goodbye I hope i can see you later.

Kido:Don't die if you want to see me.

Sho:I wish goodluck and hopefully you can win that mirror battle.

Kido:Wait take this card I doesn't know what card is this but I think this is for you because I see this card has same type card just like you.Take this.

Sho:Thank you and goodbye Kamen rider Ryuki.

Kido:Yeah, you too Kamen rider Dark Decade.

Sho continue his journey... What's world that wait him?

???:Standing by... Complete.

Next part:Fight in flash.

Kamen Rider Dark Decade : New Destiny Where stories live. Discover now