Truth Revealed For Ryo

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At the same time.

Ryo:I can't believe this is her. She's really a kamen rider. Why she never told me about this. Is that her.

He see Miisaki. Miisaki see him as well. She run from Ryo.

Ryo:Miisaki wait... Maybe i should workout sometime I'm really weak. Wait... Huff... Huff.

Miisaki:Are you okay Ryo?

Ryo:I want to talk to you. Why? Why you never tell me about Kamen rider things.

Miisaki:I'm really sorry Ryo. I doesn't want you're worried I get this power from my cousin. She give this to me. And I use it. I want to protect you the same way you protect me and everyone. I should tell you this.

Ryo:Hey, if you have problem then talk to me i will not angry okay. if you doesn't tell me it's make me more worry because I don't know whether you're safe or not. Come on hug me.

Miisaki:Thank you for understand me.

Ryo:Come on I'm your husband of course i understand you. Hahahaha.

Miisaki:That's my husband.

???:Two couple. I like this.


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Miisaki:I will not leave you ever! Henshin.


kamen rider larc just get beaten by that monster

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kamen rider larc just get beaten by that monster.

Ryo:No one can touch my wife!

9-1-3 ENTER




Larc:Ryo you're hurt

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Larc:Ryo you're hurt.

Kaixa:Don't worry I got this.


Kaixa ready his sword and fight that monster.

Kaixa:I'm going to Finish you.


Humagear:No not like this... I doesn't want to die like this.

Kaixa and Larc dehenshin. Suddenly Ryo fainted.

Miisaki:Ryo... Ryo wake up...

Ryo realise that he is on the hospital.

Miisaki:Ryo.You wake up.

Ryo:What happen to me?

Miisaki:You're fainted 5 hours ago.



???:There is one risk if you use this Kaixa belt everytime you use this power it's consume your orpenoch cell. If that happen too much you can die.

End of Flashback

Miisaki:Ryo... Ryo what are you thinking.

Ryo:I have something to tell you hope you can accept that... There's no more secret between us. I... I


Ryo:I can die after use Kaixa belt. I'm sorry I don't tell you this sooner.You can have my divorce if you want I doesn't want you to suffer. I.... I.

Miisaki hold Ryo hand.

Miisaki:I don't care!I love you. You think I don't know about this. I know this thing after we're married. I just wait you tell me about this thing.I accept you because I know you're kind man. Even you're childish sometime... I still love you.

Ryo:Thank you Miisaki.

Miisaki:I promise I will take care of you until that day come.

Ryo: Miisaki. You're... Pretty than usual.

Miisaki:*blush*hey you make me feel shy.

Ryo:Don't feel shy I'm your husband. Now then you say you will take care of me so please buy me dragonfruit.

Miisaki:(His childish start to awaken again well I doesn't have any choice.) Okay.

Next part:Sho solution

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