The Destroyer

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Sho:So we're arrive to this world.

Ryo:What is this world anyway?

Sho:My world. Just in the past.

Satoshi:I know you sad after what happen but we need to see them.

Sho:I know let's go.

They arrive at one house.

???:Welcome to the Hikari studio.

Ryo:Where is that old man come from?

Satoshi:Let me go dammit.


Sho:(Great Grandpa eijiro... So this is the old man that mom always talking.)


Natsumi:You know your great grandfather always cook a delicious meal for me and your dad.

Talk for 4 hours.

Sho:I'm starting to get annoyed.

End of Flashback

Ryo:Earth to Sho.


Satoshi:Are you okay?

Sho:Yeah I'm fine I'm fine.

Eijiro:My name is eijiro. What can I help you guys today.

Their stomach growl because they doesn't eat.

Eijiro:It's okay you guys can have a lunch here.

Ryo:That old man really kind.

Sho:Of course he's kind. Just look who his great grandson.

Eijiro:Sorry for long time waiting.

Ryo:Let me. Sugoi this is delicious.

Satoshi:You must try this Sho this is really delicious.


After one bite Sho feel that food really delicious.

Sho:I must admit this is really delicious.

Ryo:Man, did you cry.

Sho:No,just I remember my mom cook this for me before she past away.

Eijiro:I'm sorry for hear that.

Ryo:That art it's really pretty.

Satoshi:Do you only have that background?

Eijiro:No we have many just...

???:Who are you guys? Just coming here and wants to eat.

Eijiro:It's fine Tsukasa.


Tsukasa:And why did you surprise?

Sho:*angry glare*.(You left me and mom and you say why I'm surprise.

Tsukasa:Listen kid I don't have time for you.

???:Tsukasa doesn't need to be so rude.

Tsukasa:But natsumi he...

Natsumi:I'm really sorry for that.

Sho:No, you doesn't need to. I was the one who should apologise. (Geez, what am I doing I shouldn't he here I mean if I'm here for so long I may doesn't even get born.

Sho:Thank you for the food. This is the payment.

Tsukasa:Wait... This is not our money.
Are you guys spy?

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