New Adventure Begins

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Sho:So this is the world. The first world I go. Kamen rider agito world.
I guess I need to search for that monster.


Sho:What the?

Agito:You're the destroyer.

Sho:Maybe because of this belt doesn't it.Listen I don't have problem with you.


Sho:Fine, if that what you want.

Sho take his card.



Dark decade hit agito with his sword and blaster to blast him.

Dark decade:Any last word Kamen rider Agito.

???:Stop, please stop that. I begging you.

Sho fell sorry for her and dehenshin. Sho come to agito and heal him.

Sho:He still weak at this point let him rest.

5 hours later

Shoichi:What happen how did I came back here? Ma... Mana.

Mana:Are you okay.

Shoichi:I'm fine.

Then, he see Sho get inside his house.

Shoichi:What are you doing here? Get out from my house.

Sho:Is this how you thanks the guy who save your life. If not because of me you're already death you know.

Mana:He's right Shoichi he already save your life.

???:Shoichi Tsugami. Kamen rider Agito.

Sho:That voice... Shoichi careful!


Sho:Damn you.

Sho take his card


??? :Not so fast kid.

That monster take his card.

Shoichi:Kid, let me do this.

Sho:But he will take your power.

Shoichi:I don't care I will defeat him. You're already save my life kid.

Sho:Kamen rider Agito that's how he's transform.

Agito:I will be your opponent.

??? :I wait for this moment for a long time agito.

That monster hit Agito. Agito tried to fight back but that monster is too strong for him to handle.

Sho:(Just if I has my dark decade card)
Wait another card. Kamen rider G4.

??? :I will finish you Kamen rider Agito.

Sho:Not so fast. I'm the guy who's going to kill you. Henshin.



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Shoichi:He... He turn to kamen rider G4.

Sho:Time to finish you monster I will not let you kill him.

Sho take G4 card


Sho:I will take back my card monster.

Sho take G4 attack ride card.


??? :No, no... No!!

Sho:Where where is him? I miss him again. But atleast I get back my card. Shoichi... Shoichi are you okay.

Shoichi:I'm fine.Can I ask one question why did you come here.

Sho:That monster leave his mark on every timeline I want to change it to the normal time. My mother die and I can't do anything about it.

Shoichi:You can... Take this card.

Sho:What is this?

Shoichi:I don't even know when I get this card but believe me it will help you on your journey.

Sho:Thank you.

Mana:Shoichi are you okay.

Shoichi:I'm fine.

Sho:I guess I need to go now. I mean I doesn't know which world I'm going to go but I need to stop him.

Shoichi:Go get him kid.

Sho:Goodbye, it's nice to see you two.

Sho get to his motorcycle and continue his journey.


Next part:World of mirror

Kamen Rider Dark Decade : New Destiny Where stories live. Discover now