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Years:2021(Alternative timeline)

Satoshi:Yes, I know that. But I will not do that.

Vice president:Yes, I know Mr. Satoshi but if we don't...

Satoshi:Listen, listen listen I make you my assistant because I see talent inside you but you. You just want me to create this come on answer me. Why?

Vice president:But it will!

Satoshi:I'm so sorry. You're fired.It's better for you.

Vice president:You will regret it one day Satoshi.

That vice president leave Satoshi in anger. A few hours later Aruto come to see Satoshi.

Aruto:Brother how are you?

Satoshi:I'm fine it's just I don't feel comfortable with all this company thing just a few years ago I fighting with my friend to defeat one monster.

Aruto see picture that Satoshi and his friend take before they say goodbye to each other.

Aruto:Is this your friend?

Satoshi:Yeah, It's been three years. I wonder what are they doing right now. Oh yeah I'm really late for my meeting. Tell Sakuya I'm really sorry I can't meet her today because I'm busy.

Aruto:Yeah I will tell sister about that.

Years:2040(Z dimension)

Ryo:Yes,yes,I understand.

*knock knock*

Ryo:Yes Miisaki.

Miisaki:I brought you food.


Miisaki:You're really busy nowadays. I guess you should rest atleast.

Ryo:I know but I'm the busy guy.

Miisaki:I also the president I know what it feels but healthy is important.

Ryo:Thanks for the advice Miisaki.

Suddenly they see black hole.

Ryo:Black hole.

Miisaki:What should we do?

Ryo:Run let's go. I will brought Kaixa belt just incase I need it.

Before they can run away that black hole pull Miisaki.

Ryo:Miisaki don't let my hands go.


Miisaki been pull by that black hole.

At the same time.


News reporter:New type of hurricane just been discovered by Scientist. This type still doesn't have name but it's already destroyed people who life at Osaka.

Mira:Poor them.

Sho:I know. Hey what do you want me to cook for you today?

Mira:Spicy food.

Sho:Are you sure?

Mira:It's not me it's this baby.

Sho:Just tell me it's you.

Mira:Honey, I want to ask you one question. Why are you still keep pushing yourself I mean I know that I'm pregnant but can you just sometime leave me to do it sometime.

Sho:Mira, I told you I will be the full time househusband.

Mira:But you're too pushing yourself.

Sho:What do you mean?

Mira:Just look at the mirror.

Sho:No, I'm fine.

Mira:Doesn't you remember our promise to not keep pushing yourself.

Sho:Listen, when I say I'm fine I really mean it okay. Geez, since when you ask me many question.

Mira slap Sho face.

Mira:I doesn't even know you now. I'm going to leave this house.

Sho:No, Hey Mira don't.

Mira:Let me go.

Suddenly they see hurricane coming to them. Mira wants to run but it's already too late.

Sho:Mira... Hold my hand.

Mira:I.. I can't!

Mira being pull by that hurricane.

Sho:No... Why... Why?

1 days later.

News reporter:The scientist have research that hurricane and good news is that hurricane doesn't kill anybody but it was a portal to go to the other dimension.

Sho:Portal. I will go to that dimension. I will save my wife.

Sho go to his garage and take back his motorcycle.

Sho:Oh, I almost forgot my camera.

And once again Sho, Ryo will starts their journey but how about Satoshi why his dimensions doesn't have hurricane or black hole that's the mystery that will be solved in another part.

Next part:Reunion

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