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Years:2040(Timeline reset)

Natsumi:Sho, Sho wake up honey it's 10:00 a.m.

Sho:Am I sleeping.

Natsumi:Come on breakfast.

Kiva-la:Good morning, Sho.

Sho:Good morning Kiva-la. Mom can I go out for a while I want to see Mira.

Natsumi:Yeah be a man and talk to her.

Sho:Mom come on I'm still not legal to married her we need two years okay.

Natsumi:Yeah, I know atleast couple for 2 years.

Sho:Bye, mom.

Natsumi:He so fast. I hope that Mira can control him and his childish sometime.

At Mira house

Mira:Sho, why are you here?

Sho:To see you.

Mira:You're funny let's go to the park wait let me prepare myself first.

30 minutes later.

Mira:I'm done let's go.

At the park.

Sho:Do you still remember we defeated Sai.

Mira:Of course I remember it. What's the problem?

Sho:I don't know. Should I keep this driver or just throw it.

Mira:I think we should keep it just incase If trouble come.

???:Kamen rider Dark Decade.

Sho:Old man.

Mira:Who is that guy?

Sho:The guy who give me the driver.

???:You can keep that driver. I'm here just to reveal myself after all this time you never knew me doesn't you.



Sho:Dad.. Dad. Is that you...

Tsukasa:I'm so sorry son I lose when you need me.

They hug each other after that meeting.

Sho:It's okay I'm glad you're here now let's meet mom.

Tsukasa:Let's go.

3 years later.

Sho pov

I think everyone wants to know what happen doesn't it. Ryo is the new smart brain president yeah his world is no longer have orpenoch and his the only one who have rider belt so he become the new president. Not only that he also have been married with the rival president company thier meeting is really weird but yeah their married. While Satoshi has back to his own world he find his brother and he create one company that's actually kind of rival his brother company. While me, I'm the only one who actually doesn't own company but I make a good job as the cameraman Hopefully.I'm also married with Mira.

At Sho and Mira house

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At Sho and Mira house.


Sho:Mira I'm home. Mira, what happen are you okay?

Mira:Yeah, I'm fine. Actually I have something to tell you.

Sho:What is it?

Mira:Just look at this.

Sho:Wait.... Did you...pregnant?

Mira:Yes.I do.

Sho:This is exciting. Thank you.

Sho hug Mira because he's too happy.

Mira:Can you cook food for me?

Sho:Erghh... I'm really bad at cooking.

Mira:Don't worry I think I can teach you.

Sho:If I know this early I can prepare.

Mira:Don't push yourself at work for our baby.

Sho:Alright from now on I will train to become father.

Mira:Thank you honey.

(Ending song)

Happy life. That's what everyone want in their life but sometime it's really hard just to get that happiness. It need sacrifice just to get happiness .
Sacrifice is the key to make people successful.
                       THE END

Kamen Rider Dark Decade : New Destiny Where stories live. Discover now