How You Meet (Boys)

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Harry Potter

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Harry Potter

You were walking through hallways looking down at your book as you accidentally walked into someone. You dropped your book. "Oh... I am so sorry." You apologized you looked up at Harry. I just ran into the Harry Potter, you thought.

"It's fine." Harry replied. Harry bent down picked up your book.
"Thanks so much." You smiled.
He handed you your book. "No problem. Potions huh?"
"Ya. I'm not the greatest at it." You laughed.
"Nor am I. Maybe we should study sometime and help each other." He suggested.
"Yes. I'd love to." You replied.
"Well I'll see you around." Harry smiled before walking away.

" Harry smiled before walking away

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Ron Weasley

You were walking into the great hall on a Saturday morning. There was only a few people inside. You sat down at the Gryffindor table. You sat down across for Ron. You began eating your food.
"Your Y/N right?" Ron asked.
"Yep that's me." You smiled.
"I'm Ron. Nice to finally meet you."
"Yes it is." You smiled.
Ron sat in silence for a while starring at you. When you looked at him he quickly looked back at his food. "I was wondering if you would maybe like to go to Hogsmeade with me!" Ron stated.
"I'd love to." You responded.

" You responded

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Fred Weasley

You were on you way to detention because you skipped a class. You walked into Snape's class and sat down in the back. A couple minutes later a tall red head walked in. "Mr. Weasley. Your late." Snape's scoff.
"Sorry Professor." Fred replied. He walked over to you and sat down.
"What are you in detention for?" He asked.
"I skipped a class. You?"
"I pranked Moody." He laughed.
You laughed. "Sounds like fun."
"You should come pull the next one with me." Fred winked.
"I'd love to."

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