They try and learn your first language (Girls)

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I am using French for this one shot but please enter any other language you speak!

Hermione:Hermione is always trying to learn new things and once she knew you knew how to speak French she wanted you to teach her

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Hermione is always trying to learn new things and once she knew you knew how to speak French she wanted you to teach her. Do you and her sat down for hours and hours trying to teach her simple worlds. She wasn't quite getting it. She was getting frustrated Becuase she couldn't do it but she never gave up. She continued to try and try until she finally got a few worlds.

 She continued to try and try until she finally got a few worlds

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Ginny would listen to you well you read to her. She loved listening to your accent. Ginny didn't want to ask you so instead she just asked a few questions and started to teach herself. Once she was pretty good at the language she decided to show you that she knew French. One day well you guys were walking through the forest Ginny decided to give you a compliment in French. You guys just kept complimenting each other.

Lavender:Lavender didn't know how to speak French but you did

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Lavender didn't know how to speak French but you did. She started asking you to read to her and she found a French book in the library to help her. She learned pretty quickly. She started confidently talking to you in French and actually surprised you on how much she knew. You are her would talk French to each other almost all the time.

 You are her would talk French to each other almost all the time

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Pansy loved when you read to her. But once she found out you spoke French she asked if you could start reading her French. Then after a while of her learning French by herself she started reading to you. That biggest part of your guys day was reading to each other.

 That biggest part of your guys day was reading to each other

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You and Luna read to each other regularly. And you were already reading her French once in a while. She loved listening to you. She started asking you to teach her and you guys would sit in the forest and you would teach her. Luna loved it and would always be speaking French to you and complimenting you a whole bunch.

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