How protective they are (Boys)

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Harry:-6/10-He is protective but not over protective

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-He is protective but not over protective. He will let you hangout with anyone you want but if they pass a certain line then that's when he steps in

 He will let you hangout with anyone you want but if they pass a certain line then that's when he steps in

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-Same with Harry but he doesn't let you hangout with some people if he doesn't like them

Fred:-8/10 -Fred is by your side most of the time and doesn't let you hangout with people he doesn't get along with

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-Fred is by your side most of the time and doesn't let you hangout with people he doesn't get along with

Fred:-8/10 -Fred is by your side most of the time and doesn't let you hangout with people he doesn't get along with

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-I feel like he's in the middle. He trusts you but he like you to check Kim every little while.

 He trusts you but he like you to check Kim every little while

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-This man is really not that protective. If he see you are stuck in a conversation with someone he doesn't like he'll step in but that's about it

 If he see you are stuck in a conversation with someone he doesn't like he'll step in but that's about it

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-This man is with you 24/7 he will not leave your side. If a boy even thinks about talking to you he will get so mad.

 If a boy even thinks about talking to you he will get so mad

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-This man is like meh😐 he doesn't really care. But if a guy steps over the line that's when he pulls you away or beats the shit out of him.

 But if a guy steps over the line that's when he pulls you away or beats the shit out of him

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-This man hates seeing you with other people. He will kill anyone who even touches you the wrong way. He he isn't near you but he's always watching you. (Creepy 😬)

Neville:-2/10-He man doesn't really care

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-He man doesn't really care. If someone passes the line he kinda just ignores it but when it gets REALLY bad he'll step in.

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