How you meet (Girls)

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Hermione GrangerYou were in the library alone

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Hermione Granger
You were in the library alone. You didn't have very many friends. Hermione saw you all alone and thought she should say hi. She walked over to you. "Hello there. I'm Hermione Granger. And you are?" She asked her smile bright.
"I'm Y/N, Y/L/N" You replied.
"It's great to finally meet you." She stated. "I saw you all alone and thought I should say hi."
"Ya I was just doing some reading. I have nothing else todo." You admitted.
"You should hangout with me and my friends." Hermione suggested.
"I'd love to." You smiled.

Ginny WeasleyYou were trying out for the quidditch

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Ginny Weasley
You were trying out for the quidditch. You thought you'd be the only girl but to your surprise you weren't. Ginny was also trying out. You decided to introduce yourself. You were the only two girls there anyways. You made your way over to Ginny.
"Hey! I'm Y/N." You smiled.
Ginny turned to you. "I'm Ginny. I'm so glad there's a girl trying out this year. Maybe it'll show these boys that girls can play too."
"Ya they think girls can play. That's bullshit. We can so play." You replied
"I completely agree with you. Us girls gotta stick together." Ginny replied.
(You both ended up making the team)

Luna LovegoodYou were walking through the forbidden forest after school one day

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Luna Lovegood
You were walking through the forbidden forest after school one day. You thought you were all alone u till you came across Luna. She was alone sitting against a tree. You sat down beside her. "What are you doing out here all alone?" You asked.
"Thinking." She replied softly.
"About what?"
"Everything really. The littlest things can be so fascinating if you think about it." She replied.
"It's true. Even the smallest things can have the biggest purpose." You stated. "I'm Y/N by the way."
"I'm Luna."
"I love the name Luna." You smiled.
You guys continue having a deep conversation about the littlest things but you both end up making them sound so interesting.

"You guys continue having a deep conversation about the littlest things but you both end up making them sound so interesting

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Lavender Brown
You found Lavender crying in one on the hallways. You walk up to her kneeling beside her. "Hey, Hey. Are you okay?" You ask her.
"Ya I'm okay. Just having a tough day." She replied.
"Well then let's try and turn it into a good day. No one deserves to have a bad day." You smiled.
"I guess." She sighed.
"Now come on. Let's go have some fun. I'm Y/N." You smile.
"I'm Lavender." She replied.
"Well then, Lavender. Let's go have some fun."

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