You guys are fighting (Girls)

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Hermione wasn't ignoring you but she would always leave you for Harry and Ron and it started to get upsetting. You loved the friendship they had but it felt like she was choosing them over you.

You guys were fighting for about an hour maybe more....

"You never want to hangout with me anymore. Your always leaving me for them!" You yelled

"They're my friends! I care about our relationships and I don't want to lose them.!" Hermione shouted back at you.

"Okay I understand that but couldn't you make some time for me!" You asked.

"They wouldn't complain like this if I was hanging out with you." Hermione scoffed.

"Then go fucking hang out with them. I'm done." You shouted leaving the room as quickly as possible.

After a little bit to clam down Hermione did feel really bad.

After a little bit to clam down Hermione did feel really bad

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I am kind of stuck for Luna lol. I'll try my best!!

You were kind of upset because Luna was spending all of her time in the forest and wouldn't let you come. You felt like she was hiding something from you.

You were arguing for about fifteen minutes...

"What are you doing out there!? You never let me come! Are you hiding something from me!?" You asked, shouting at her.

"I'm not hiding anything from you!" Luna shouted back, she hated yelling at you but she didn't like being accused for things.

"Then why can't I come with you sometimes?" You asked.

"You wouldn't understand!" Luna shouted.

"Than help me to understand!" You yelled.

"No. Just leave me alone!" 

"Fine, good bye Luna." You then walked out not looking back.

Luna almost instantly regretted it and wished she had told you what she was doing in the forest.

Luna almost instantly regretted it and wished she had told you what she was doing in the forest

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Ginny was always hanging out with her quidditch team and wouldn't hangout with you anymore. She would always be practicing or at one of their stupid celebration parties.

You were arguing for about a half hour...

"Why can't you pay attention to me for once? Ask me how my day was. Care about me.." You cried.

"I do so care about you!" Ginny shouted.

"Maybe in your head. But not in real life. You are always with your stupid team!" You replied.

"Because they're important to me!!"

"More important than me?" You asked.

"Y'know yes. Yes they are." Ginny nodded.

"Good too know." You replied with tears in your eyes. As you walked out of the room.

Ginny took a bit to clam down but she felt SO bad after.

Ginny took a bit to clam down but she felt SO bad after

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Lavender was always with Ron and trying to get with him and you'd watch her do it and it really hurt your feelings watching her do it.

You were fighting for about twenty minutes...

"Do you remember you have a girlfriend/Boyfriend every time you go flirting with Ron!?" You shouted.

"I do not flirt with him!" She replied.

"You do so. You through yourself all over him and are always with him. I'm your Girlfriend/ Boyfriend! Not him!"

"Stop being an idiot and open your eyes! I'm not flirting with him!" Lavender shouted.

You grabbed your bag. "Bullshit." you then walked out.

Lavender took a while to clam down but once she did she did feel a little bit bad.

Lavender took a while to clam down but once she did she did feel a little bit bad

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Pansy was jealous of all your friends and wanted to make you jealous. So she started flirting with Draco. One day she took it too far. Her and Draco were caught doing unholy things in the prefects bathroom.

You guys were fighting for like three hours...

"That was way to far!!" You shouted.

"It didn't mean anything!" She stated.

"You fucked him, Pansy! You fucked him! That passed a line." You shook your head.

"It didn't mean anything. Why can't you see that!?" Pansy cried.

"Weather it meant something or not you still did it!" You sighed. You grabbed your stuff and walked out.

Pansy INSANTLY regretted everything. 

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