You watch a scary movie (boys)

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Harry try's to act all tough. When he does end up screaming or jumping he will definitely disagree with you and will never admit he actually did. He will laugh at you when you get scared but god forbid you laugh at him.

Ron was an absolute baby about it. He was probably more scared then you were. He was always hugging you and burying his head into the crook of your neck.

Was kinda scared but hid it really well. He never jumped and made jokes when you did. It was all fun and games. When you got scared he hug you even tighter.

Same and Fred probably laughed at you when you got scared but he jumped a few times. He was always holding you so he wasn't scared.

He really wasn't that scared. He actually enjoyed it. He would hold you tight when you got scared and wouldn't laugh when you get scared. He will laugh in his head but never out loud.

This man was just as scared as you were 😭🤚🏻. He would act all tough and refuse to show he's scared. But when a jump scare happens this man hopes behind the couch so damn fast 🏃🏼‍♂️💨. After that he will make sure your in his arms the whole time. "So he can protect you"

Blaise is a tough guy. He really isn't scared, he'll smirk and say "aww is the little baby scared." Every time you jump or scream. He does mean it as a joke because he find it funny how scared to you are.

He will laugh  at you. And say things along the lines. "Quit being a baby." Or "stop being scared."😭🤚🏻
Like he low key doesn't understand why your so scared over a movie. He is gonna make fun of you the whole time fairs warning.

He is so scared and is not afraid to show it. He will hold you so close but try to be strong for you. Even though he's probably more scared then you are.
He'll say; "it's o-okay sunflower." Then scream right after 🤣

Sorry for not posting in a while. I just needed a little break! Hope you guys understand!

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