Going to the beach (Boys)

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This man made sure you had anything and everything you could possibly need. Like I mean EVERYTHING. When you finally gets there he has to set up your guys' stuff before anything else. He is okay with the water but is very protective over you.

He will make sure you guys have a enough snacks. He will pack an entire five course meal. When you get there he is already hungry and wants to eat. When he's finally done eating he tries to go in the water when you tell him not to he doesn't listen and get's a huge stomach ache. Then has to sit in the beach for a while hit joins you later.

Fred packs what you would need and some food. When you get there he lays out your towel and makes you put on sun screen but forgets to put some on him. He loves playing in the water and loved throwing you into the ocean. He also was always looking at your ass. Like every time you looked at him he was looking at your ass. By the end of the day he's burnt. And I mean BURNT. Like cherry red.

George forgot a lot of things. He's was just to excited to go. When you got there you realized that he forgot the sun screen. You guys still had fun in and out of the water. He was a pro at beach sports (he actually wasn't) he just thought he was.

You and Cedric were going to spend the afternoon at the beach. He did all the packing for you and didn't let you life a finger. When you got there he set up a cute like place for you guys. You guys had a beautiful afternoon and as the sunset you guys took some really cute photos.

Draco wasn't into the whole beach idea but after like two minutes of you asking he agrees. You guys get there and he sits on the beach for a while then when you wanna go in the water this man get petrified. He's so scared of the water, he thinks it will eat him. So to scare him you jump off the dock and instead of coming up you stay under the water. When he realized you didn't come up he jumps in and pulls you up. When he sees your fine he's pissed. Also this man was still pale at the end of the day.

Blaise: He didn't really want to go at all. But he saw you really wanted to do he agreed. He let you do all the packing. When you guys got there he kinda just walked around. But once he was in the water he started having more fun.

He just said no. Like he wouldn't go. But let's pretend. If he actually did say yes then he would hate it the whole time. He would sit on the sand and stay there. Reading the whole time. When you weren't looking at you were in the water he cracked a TINY smile. But would never admit it.

He had it all packed before he even told you were going. When you guys got there he made sure you had sunscreen on before you even got your stuff out. Once you were all set up and you and him went in the water for a long time just playing around. You guys got some really cute photos by the end of the day.

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