Watching a scary moive (Girls)

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You guys are cuddling on the couch. Hermione probably loves scary movies. She won't laugh at you out loud but she will in her head.
She'll say stuff like;
"Come on baby it's not that scary" or "Don't worry it's not real. It can't hurt you."
She's super sweet but finds it kinda funny when your scared.

She is probably cuddling with you but mid movie when it's getting scary she'll leave you alone for a few minutes and when you least expect it. She jumps out of no where and scared the shit out of you.
"You should have seen your face!" She laughed.
"You scared me. That's not funny."
She was probably laughing at you the rest of the night.

Luna: Luna is honestly probably as scared as you are. She probably hiding in the crook of your neck.
She'll say stuff like.
"We don't have to watch it if you don't want to." Or "Its okay. It's not real."

If is not scared at all. She loves to watch scary Moises. They don't bother her at all. She won't laugh at you but she'll say stuff like
"It's not that scary." Or "Don't be scared."
She really doesn't understand why you are so scared.

Lavender jumps at the jump scared but that's about it. If even the smallest jump scare comes on she fucking jumps into your arms. She will literally be shaking because she is so scared.

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