Your sick (Girls)

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You and Hermione were sitting in the library studying. You had been feeling sick all day but were trying you best to ignore it. When Hermione realized how sick you were she got worried.

"Why don't we head back up to my dorm and watch a movie." She suggested.

"That would be amazing." You replied closing your book

You and Hermione cleaned up your books and walked back to her dorm. You set your bags down and curled up in her bed. She quickly turned on the movie and joined you in the bed.

 She quickly turned on the movie and joined you in the bed

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You and Luna were hanging out in your dorm when you started feeling like you were gonna puke. You quickly scrambled over to the bathroom. Luna followed you and held your hair back for you. Patting your back lightly. 

Once you were all done Luna wrapped her arms around you and held you tight. She helped you back to your bed and grabbed you a cup of water. She took care of you for the rest of the day and all night.

 She took care of you for the rest of the day and all night

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You and Ginny were at quidditch practice when she saw you weren't as sharp she talked to the captain and got you both out of practice. She took you back to your dorm and got you changed in to more comfy clothes. You and her laid in bed for the rest of the day and watched movies. IF you needed anything she got it for you. She was always there to take care of you.

 She was always there to take care of you

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Lavender was reading to you when you started to feel sick. You ignored it but your face started to lose color and you looked weaker. 

"Love are you okay?" She asked.

"No, I don't feel good." You replied cuddling closer to her.

"Aww. I'm sorry." She sighed setting her book down. She began rubbing your back softly.

 She began rubbing your back softly

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You were with Pansy and her friends when you had the urge to puke. You quickly ran over to the nearest bathroom. Pansy quickly followed you leaving her friends. She found you puking and she held your hair for you. Once you were done she carried you back to your dorm and set you on your bed. 

She began to take care of you. Not letting you do anything for yourself. She would do everything for you even if you were able to do it.

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