You guys are fighting (Boys)

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You were getting upset how he never hung out with you anymore. It was to busy with ✨Voldy✨
You had been arguing for about an hour...
"You don't even care about me!!" You shouted.
"This is important!" Harry shot back.
"More important than me?" You asked.
"Yes!" He shouted but instantly regrets it.
You run out of the room crying.

You run out of the room crying

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You were upset how he keeps drooling over Hermione.
You were arguing for about an hour and a half....
"You fucking always drooling over her and I'm your girlfriend." You huffed.
"I'm am not!" He shouted.
"You are so!" You yelled.
"You so fucking dumb sometimes." She sighed angrily.
"Do you really think that?" You asked hurt.
"As a matter of fact I do." He replied.
You grabbed your bags and left. His man fucking regrets EVERYTHING.

 His man fucking regrets EVERYTHING

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Fred had been prancing you a lot and it has started to get annoying.
You were fighting for about forty-five minutes....
"You've got to stop! It's getting annoying." You shouted.
"Maybe if you weren't suck a cry baby it wouldn't bother you!" He shouted.
"A crybaby huh?" You asked.
"Ya! A big fucking crybaby!" He shouted.
Tears rolled down you cheeks as you walked out.
In the moment he didn't feel bad but after a bit he started to hate himself for what he said.

In the moment he didn't feel bad but after a bit he started to hate himself for what he said

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