The last day

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Today is the last day before the summer break. I don't know what to do, but I'll have to wait and see. I get up to go ready for school today. I go downstairs and get breakfast cause Bakugou was nice enough to make for me and his squad " Thank you, Bakugo" "Whatever half n' half, I saw how you looked when damn nerd yelled, so I wanted to be 'nice'" Bakugo snaps back at me.Once done eating, I get my bag and walk out the door with the Baku squad behind me "I see a f@--ot with daddy issues." I look up to see the Deku Squad, Monoma, and Shinso 'I guess they take my place.' "leave me alone please...Midoriya." he moves closer to me and places his arm around me like he would when we dated "If I don't f@g." I look up at him "Just go, I know you hate me cause of what I did. I own up to it; I messed up your book, but I'm not up to dealing with anything today." " Are you gonna cry to your mama" I stared at Shinso right next to me "Shut up, don't talk about her, fuck off all of you," I said quietly at the end. "Aww, I'm so upset that you said that... yeah, no! Faggot!" Midoriya pushes me into a bench.

I hit my head on the armrest. Vision blurry, I knew I was bleeding "Hey Deku, what was that, you dick!" it's too blurry I pass out. I wake up in the nurses' office. I look to my left and see Bakugo "B-bakugo?" "Oh, half n' half your up. how are you feeling?" "Umm I feel fine. Why did you help me?" I see his face change from his usually pissed-off look to a worried look "Half n Half! Deku pushed you into a bench. You were bleeding. You think I wouldn't help you. That you may be a damn nerd ,but Deku doing that to you after you two got into a fight, hitting and yelling at you course I'm worried for you." I sit up and feel my head. "T-thanks ,but you didn't have to help me... Could we go to class now?" "Sure, Halfie. we only missed like the first 45 minutes." I get up and walk to class with Bakugou. I am happy he helped me. Once we get to class, I feel everyone look at me, looking down and sit in my seat.

I'm doing my work. I see a note passed to me from my right. I see "Here. Deku wanted me to give this to you. I'm sorry about what happened to you yesterday." Satou whispers, "It's ok." I look back to my desk and read what the note

'You fucked up Shoto. You'll have no one after what I tell everyone. You'll hate yourself even more when I tell everyone what you did to me. -DekuBeating Deku when you two were dating, what the hell Shoto, -IidaRot in hell. You're just like you oldman- UrarakaI'm sorry Todo, but what you did is messed up. -Tsu'

I see Tokoyami's hand take the note from my hand. I look at him "Hey, don't read that. They only want to make you feel bad. I know you didn't mean anything. If you want to come sit with me, Shoji, Jiro, and Momo for lunch, feel free." "Maybe thanks, Tokoyami." "Sure, feel free to call me Toko if you want." I smile lightly and nod. I look back at my work and finish up. I get to the last question, it says, 'What will you be doing this summer?' I look at it. I go to the blank space. I'm about to write and stop. After all, I don't know. I'm going to do other than stuck at home training. 'I'm not going to write. No one would believe me if I said I was getting abused. Izuku is going to tell people lies about me' I see the water get all over my paper and my head "Haha look at the depressed freak with no mommy." I don't look up from my desk. I hear the "new" Deku-squad laugh 'How could I be so fucking stupid class ended. I didn't realize. "He's going to go cry to his mom. She won't help." I hear Shinso say I wanted to cry to Izuku. He won't listen to me anymore. I get up. Walking out of the classroom, the Deku-squad following me and talking bad about me. I feel Izuku come up closer behind me "You won't make it as a hero anymore; you can try to talk to someone,but no one is going to listen 'Useless'." I run.

I run into the lunch room...

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