Home isn't the best

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After a while talking, we got to Tokoyami's house and said good bye's now it was just me and Shoji. I know my house is next. I don't want to, but I have to. Now he most likely knows I'm gay and will call me a f@g 'This summer is going to be fun.' I didn't realize we're on the bus by now. I was sitting next to him, crying. He picked up my face and said, "Hey, are you ok?" "Oh, I'm fine... just still think about how my summer willgo. Also, call me whatever." "but you're crying." "It's just ya know my home life isn't the best cause Midoriya told the whole school and even yelled it out to everyone."

"Hey, I promise it will be ok. I love you." Shoji kisses my nose. I blush a lot but also feel a little sad cause I can only think of Midoriya "Hey I know you can only think of Deku and how bad he hurt you. I'm not him. I'll never hurt you nor lie." as he was about to say that I start crying even more cause my mom told me that but... she died shortly after that... I hugged him, crying. I felt his arms wrap around me "I'm sorry. my mom said that when I was 5. I haven't heard that in so long." "Hey I promise I'll make this your best summer." "Thank you. This is my stop." "I live nearby. We can go different ways at that turn over there."

"Okie will do." We hold hands, leaving the bus. "Want to sneak out on Friday with me and the others to go to the beach at night. Tokoyami knows a great beach that is pretty at night ." "Sure, I'll see if I can sneak out." "Okay, at 2-4 am." "Okay I'll most likely be able to." Our hands let go "This is were we go our ways." "Yeah be safe," He says as we both turn our back to each other and walk our ways home 'I feel safe around him. This summer may be good...' "I miss you, Mom..." I feel the wind blow as I say it in. I take that as her telling me she loves me too 'I'm ready to get to the best home ever. ' Once I get to the door, "Hello hell, I didn't miss you." I get my keys out, unlock the door and open it to find an empty house. I take my shoes off and walk to the kitchen. I see a note.

'Shoto, I had something to do for work. I want you to be training in the training room.'

Once I read the note, I walk up to my room, put my bag down, and change into baggy sweats and a white. I start walking back downstairs to the training room. 

I start my warm-ups doing 50 push-ups, 150 pull-ups, and jumping -jacks for 1 minute. After that, I put bandages to cover my knuckles and punching the punching bag over and over 'It's not bad. I do enjoy it cause I get to let out any anger, but today I was just sad' after about 30 minutes, I started practicing my moves using my ice for 5 minutes and fire for 5 minutes. Soon, after doing that a few more times over and over. I practice regulating my body temp. Frost covering my body, I use my fire blast temp, making the frost go away as if it were nothing. See how hot I can get my fire 'Come on, turn blue I'm so close.' I'm thinking to myself as I start to feel burning all over my hand. I stopped. I realized it got cold blue flames were cold. "Good job, but why did you stop Shoto." I turned to see my father "It was cold but blue." I saw him smirk "Looks like your blue flame is a part with your ice ,so we just need to find out the hottest flame you can make, but I'll let you stop training. You're doing better then the start of this year." "Yes sir, thank you, father" "Tomorrow, I want you to come to my office so you can get more of an idea of what I do as a pro. If you want my business, you need to know." 'Like hell, I want it, I hate it. I hate you.' "Yes, sir." I walk away, when I am out of his sight. I feel sad... 'why is my life like this?'

Once I got into my room, I went straight into my bathroom and changed out of my sweats and shirt. I took off the bandages on my chest and then my hand "I miss you Mom. I wish I could have helped you then." I get into the shower and wash off. When I get out of the shower, I change, clothes baggy.

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