The Mall

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Me and Shoji head out of his house and take a bus to the mall. When we get off we meet up with the others. Once we get inside we all walk around "I'm hungry" blurted Jiro, we all glanced back at her Momo added "Let's get Starbucks, they have on here"  "Alrighty" Tokoyami cheered. Me and Shoji followed them walking to the Starbucks, the others running. Walking in they're ordering.

When we get over to order I get a Caramel Frap, with a Cheese Danish. Shoji got a Matcha Frap, with lemon bread. Going to sit down with the others, we have our order, eating my Cheese Danish taking small sips of my frap. "Sho hun, are you okay?" Momo asked I glanced at her "Yeah, it's been a little since I ate properly. " I answered "Aww hun" she pat my head "It's okay you got us." adding. "Hey no being sad let's have fun" Jiro exclaimed  "Let's go shop around!" Tokoyami added. We all got up and left the Starbucks with our drinks in hand. Momo leads us to a pet shop "I need to get pet food first" she mentions, I walk around the store looking at the cats. "I wish I had one..." I mumbled "Maybe ask your dad. I mean he likely won't see no if he wants t help you." I jump and go to punch the person behind me, Shoji grabs my arm "It's me sorry" he exclaims "I'm so sorry" I go down crouched on the floor "Aww hun" Momo walks over holding my hand "You didn't hurt him it's fine" she hugs me. Shoji crouches and hugs me "I'm not upset cutie.." I look up almost crying remembering what Deku did that day... I get up and calm down a bit more.

I grab my phone and take a photo of the Norwegian forest cat, sending it to my dad


Could I get a cat like this?

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Could I get a cat like this?

ReformedDad- Maybe I'll see what I can do 

TraumaKid- Thanks dad, sorry if I'm annoying

ReformedDad- You're not I got a meeting I'll see you later bud

I turned off my phone. I realized it was only me and Shoji "The others are going to buy swimsuits, come" I take his hand end he leads me out of the store.

When we get out I see Deku and the others. I hide to the side of Shoji, he looks at me and then sees them, He walks faster. "Hey fag" Deku yells. Shoji pushes me into the store and I find Momo and Jiro, hugging Momo "What's up?" "Deku...and them" I answer immediately. She enters mother mode I can tell because she has me stay next to her and Jiro. To keep me distracted they have me help them find a two-piece. Shoji comes in and I go to him letting Momo know, I go to choose my swim trunks. Once we all buy our swimsuits, handing out and we just walk around. "I want to go home Shoji" I yawn "Alright Sleepyhead" He offers to give me a piggyback ride, and I accept We walk around following the others in hot topic. I stay on Shoji's back and I chose a few rings and a pair of earrings. I hold on to Shoji and the others can see what I'm scared of "Let's go home now I guess. That okay hun?" Momo asks me "Yes please..." I whisper.

We all leave the mall and I see my dad's car "Hmm? Dad?" I stare at the car. "Let's just go it's fine" Shoji puts me down "Alrighty" I smile at him and we walk away to the bus stop taking it to Momo's house and we all hang out there until the party. I fall asleep on Shoji's lap, cuddling up close to him. I could hear the others talking about how cute I was until it was quiet.

I wake up to Shoji telling me it's time to get ready and go. I get up and change in Momo's bathroom is the last one done. "Let me grab something real fast" I watch her say as she walks off to her closet, I go over to stand by the others and wait for Momo with them. I see Momo walk out with a necklace

 "What's that for" I wondered "For you, only if you want to hear it" She answers "Just in case we aren't next to you and Deku goes to mess with you" Jiro added to Momo. I take it and warp it on my wrist "I'll wear it like this" I say "Of course, LET GO EMOS" Momo yells and we all run out of the house behind her "To the beach!" Tokoyami adds with a dark shadow over his shoulder. I jump onto Shoji's back he grabs me and runs with me on his back. Jiro "We're here finally my feet hurt!" She announced We all walk the rest of the way to the party, being one of the first students there. I see my father talking to All Might, ignoring it and asking "Can we sit by the water Shoji?" "Of course" he walks over to the waterside. I get off his back and crawl sitting next to him looking at the moon. "I love the beach's view" I let out "Me too but you're better" he murmured, I feel my face go bright pink. I feel a kiss on my neck "I love you" He kisses "I love you more" I hug him looking at the moon. We decide to get up and walk off joining the others, going to the snack table where Tokoyami is talking with Sero. I grab some food as Shoji joins them, I turn around and walk off to a corner and eat my food "Hey Sho" I look up and see Aizawa "Oh hi sir" I smile towards him "How have you been I heard you may not be able to go back next year" "I'm fine, just trying to get by" I reply "That's good and I'm sorry that Mydoriya has been so mean to you" He says "It okay, plus I was accepted by Shoji and his group plus Momo is my best friend. I'm lucky to have her" I smile "That's good well enjoy the food kid you need it" Aizawa walks off and continue eating.

Then I see Deku walking over...

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