The chat...

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Then I see Deku walking over...

**TW: SA ** (It'll be put in bold so you can skip it)

"Hey Sho" He smirks at me, I turn back walking over to the other at the table. I feel a warm hand grab me. It pulls me back against a wall my food falls on the floor "Hey my food!" I exclaimed. "You don't need that" He smirks and uses his knee to pin me down, "Leave me alone!" I push him back. "Oww!" I yelled as he grab my hair and pulled me back "Let's go!" He drags me as I postest and yell for him to get off me. "Hey be quiet!" Shinso yells, I stop yelling to keep him from using his quirk and keep pushing away. I bit Deku, "Oww!" he yelled and let go. Deku chased me, I tripped on the sand. Deku grabbed my mouth and pulled me back. "Shinso, you can go I'll see you later." Deku spoke with a low voice and Shinso walk back to Denki, his boyfriend. I fight Deku, he take me to a bathroom. "Let go!" I stomp on his foot, when my mouth is free. He slammed me against the wall "There is no point in fighter you ass!" punching me in the jaw. 

I holds my jaw, shaking, I wanted to cry but tried not too. Deku grabs my sides look down at me...


Deku grabbed my throat, "One more time... Let me have a chance" He whispered in my ear. He losened his grip "No..." I cried in a silent voice "Speak up I can't hear you" He moved his hand down my legs "NO!" I slapped him. He was pissed now. Deku sqeezed my thighs and looked at me "You won't tell me what to do!" He kisses my neck leaving marks. I push him away but he keeps pushing himself against me. I regret dating him, we slept together so many times. I didn't want to sleep with him those nights, but he told me only one person needs to give consent, lies. Rubbing my thighs and biting and sucking at my soft spot. I grunt in pain fighting, he holds me down pulling his pants down showing his boxers. I take my chance and push him into the door, he falls over out the door. I run out stepping on his dick and over him. I run off of the beach calling my father.


I shake my leg, walking back and forth. "Answer please dad!". He answers "What's up Shoto, you know I'm supervising the beach party?" He answers exclaiming, "I'm off the beach near the bus stop across the street. Can we go home I don't want to be here!" I yell, crying. "Sho what happened kiddo?" "Please! I want to go home!" I sop him before he says anything else. "Okay I'll get you" He hangs up the phone. I rip out my hair crying, shaking, unable to breathe. I let go and punch the concrete trying to breathe finding it hard. I feel a hand on my shoulder, I scream and push away "Don't t-touch me!" I yelled "I'm sorry" my dad says calmly. 

Once I realize him and hug him crying, trying to get out my words, I fall to my knee having a hard time breathing. He kneels down rubbing my back "in, out, in, out" He says, I start breathing a bit better. My dad pick me up and takes me into the car, closing my door, getting into his seat. "You want to talk or just go to bed?" He asks "Bed..." I look down wiping my eyes crying. 

The car ride was silent. I get up walk inside. Taking a shower. I feel so dirty, I look at myself in the mirror. I rip at my skin, till bleeding. I leave the bathroom and change leaving my arms to bleed. I lay in bed and grab my laptop and turn on a series, to keep my mind off of what happened. I hear my door open, my dad walk with a cleaning alcohol and bandages for my arms, I ignore him. I move one arm so he can clean up the scratches. "Other arm please" he asks I give him my other arm, watch my series I start falling asleep. "You okay now, bud?" I feel my dad's hand rubbing my back "Yeah, I am good now tired" I say yawning. "You left your things and I asked Shoji to bring it home with him, so I'll get it tomorrow unless you want me to tell him to bring it over?" He said moving my hair away from my face.

"You can get it. I want to stay in bed probably" I say as I feel myself drift asleep. "Alright" I hear before silence and my laptop close. The next morning I wake up to Natsou watching me sleep "Hey Sho-Sho" He says getting up "Hey Nat" I respond looking at the time it's 07:53. I sit up cracking my back  and hug Nat. We both walk downstairs to the kitchen. I grab the pancake mix and add milk, mixing it till no powder is left. I decide it wouldn't be bad to eat some of it raw. So I put some mix in my mouth and drink some milk, "Shoto what the hell" I hear Nat and my dad yell. I laugh and it comes out my nose. "Owwie" I frown. "Who does that Shoto?" Nat yelled. "I thought it'd taste good" I blow my nose and get some water, "Sho don't ever do that again please" My father asks "Yes sir" I put the mixed bowl in to the pan bit by bit to cook it.

I put my pancakes on a plate, grab a fork and eat my pancakes, in the kitchen. Me, dad, and Natsou just start talking about school. I just listen mostly not saying anything. I finish the pancakes cleaning my plate. I walk away and going to my room. Flopping into bed curling up, I grab my arctic fox and hug him. Crying. Crying. Till I fall asleep.

When I wake up I was wrapped up in a blanket. I turn over seeing my phone resting on the nightstand. I grab my laptop and turn on my series. I lost track of time. I hear my dad walk in "Hey Sho, you okay it's been 5 hours?" He asks, "Hmm yeah sorry I lost track of the time" I say and close my laptop. "I was just ask because I know you like to take care of moms Amaryllis" He says, "Oh yea!" I pop up and run downstairs to water her old Amaryllis, they've been here since she passed. 'I love these flowers' I go on to water the other plants that Fui-fui grew to avoid going to the store sometimes. I pick some of the apples, oranges, limes, and lemons taking them in. I clean them and put them away in the refrigerator and the apples in the fruit bowl.

I walk to the garden and pick some roses putting them in the vase on the kitchen table, taking out the dying ones. I threw them back in the garden, and lay on the couch looking at the tv. My dad sits on the other couch sitting on his phone. He's looking at some cat but I can't tell what it's about I go up to grab my phone. I go back down and hangout on my phone, Shoji texted me.


Bae: Hey Babe you okay? You left early yesterday. Wanna talk about it?

Me: Hey sorry, I don't feel well next time I'll tell you 

Bea: Okay I love you

Me: You too bye

I put my phone down. Turning my head. I had my earbuds in listening to music. I space out for a second. "Hey dad..." I say turning my head to face him. "What's up?" He turns to face me "Last night." I stop remembering what happened. I shake my head. "Deku... was on top of me I didn't know what to do" I say tears forming "I was guessing something bad happen because your neck" He spoke silently "Thank you for telling me kiddo and I'm sorry I was there to help you" He adds. "It's alright, thank you for listening" I say. "I'll beat his ass" I hear him say under his breath.

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