A lot is happening

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Laying down

After about 5 minutes we're at the office and I step out of the car behind my father I put my phone in my pocket "Hello sir" I small lady says as we walk in "Hello Tokoyi(Tok-o-ye). Do I have anyone meeting today" "Umm doesn't look like it sir but I'll tell you if there is" "Okay thank you come on Shoto" my father starts walking and I walk behind him we get to the elevator and we wait till we get to his floor but, it stops and Hawks walks in "Oh hello Hawks" "Hello Endeavor he said with a smile. I'm just standing behind my father pretty much minding myself and once the elevator stops I stab out and my father does. He opens his door and I walk in go over to the couch and lay down setting my phone down I just rest my head on a pillow and close my eyes... I feel tired but yet I'm not asleep yet I'm just partly asleep so I'm just laying.

After about an hour I wake up to my phone and I sit up looking at it seeing that I've been put into a group chat... I open it up and look at the name

Shoto: Hello?

Octmanbuff: Hey babe

Birdgod: Hey Shoto welcome to the group chat also +makemesis

makemesis changed Shoto's name to Sleepyhalfie

Rockstar: hehe nice name for Shoto babe xD

Makemesis: hehe thanks

Birdgod: Stop making me feel lonely T^T

Sleepyhalfie: haha it's ok birdgod one day you'll find someone

Octmanbuff: Umm babe is it ok did your dad find out about us?

Sleepyhalfie: Oh yeah he kinda did but he's not mad as long as it doesn't get in my way but I really said we were talking really

Outmanbuff: Oh that's good at least your ok and he's ok with it

Birdgod: That's amazing

Rockstart: That's good Sleepyhalfie

Makemesis: I'm glad your at least going to be ok

Sleepyhalfie: Thanks guys well I'm getting off cause I didn't sleep last night and need some time to try and sleep and think to

Outmanbuff: Why didn't you sleep last night?

Sleepyhalfie: My sister is in the hospital but I'm not ready to say what happened I just hope she's going to be ok

Makemesis: Aww I'm sorry Sleephalflie well I hope she gets better 2

Rockstart: Same now you get sleep

Birdgod: Yeah get sleep and I hope she gets better

Octmanbuff: I hope she gets better love you babe and get sleep

Sleepyhalfie: Thanks guys

Sleepyhalfie is offline

I put my phone down and begin to lie down again "Who was that Sho?" "Oh, just my friends" "Oh okay well I'll be back in a few cause it's lunch and I'll get you something" "Ok thanks" I let off a smile and lay my hand down on a pillow and close my eyes again... feeling myself fall asleep.

Endeavor's pov

I'm sitting on my desk my food next to me partly eaten. I'm just reading emails and I hear the phone go off I look over at Sho seeing he's still asleep "Hello this is Endeavor?" "Hello sir someone is wanting to talk to you, would you like me to let begin you up to your office?" "Yes" "Okay will do sir" I put the phone down and turn my chair looking at Sho sleeping "Ugh... who wants to see me now... God, I hate days where there's nothing happening" I hear a knock at my door "Come in!" I look at the door to see best jeanest and gang orca "Have a seat and don't mind that my son is here" I say as they both take a sit in front of me "Hello Endeavor we just came cause the League of villain mainly All for One has been trying to make a deal with us hero's but also we have a meeting next week" Gang orca said, "Ok just gave to Ms. Yokoyi the information for the meeting and What is the deal All for One is trying to make with us?" "Well, he says if we agree to give the league a place to stay and they'll promise to leave us and not cause mayhem for 3 weeks long by giving us a hero killer stain" My eyebrow went up "So what have we said so far?" Best Jeanest begins to talk but his phone goes off so does mine and Gang Orca's "Looks like you have a job to do" "Yup" we all get up and start leaving the room I look back and go over to where Sho is sleeping and closing to blinds to the window and step out of my room closing the door I left a note on the table so if Sho wakes up he knows.

Shoto pov

I wake up and look around the room 'I guess he's doing something' I lay there and grab my phone looking at it and scroll through my socials and see what everyone is doing today.. but all I see is a post that Midoriya posted talking about me calling me a fag and saying I was beating him and talking about how bad of a person I am... I just put my phone down oh well he's not wrong I guess I am a bad person. I look at my phone again go to my account and delete everything I've ever posted and delete all my social and I deleted all the photos in my gallery of me and the Deku squad and everyone from UA but Bakugou, Kirishima, and my new group of friends "Hopefully I can just start a new soon I just need to get a new phone and change my number so I'll ask my father when he gets back" I put my phone down and lay my head down on the pillow again laying there just thinking...


As I lay down thinking I and up falling asleep and woke up to my father sitting on his desk. I push myself up and sit up "Umm father?" "Yes Shoto" As he says that I see him turn and I see Toga and the rest of the league around me making fun of me and yelling my name... "Shoto! Shoto! wake up!" I open my eyes heart racing I look up and see my father looking at me telling me to wake up "You ok Shoto?" "Yes sorry, also Could I maybe get a new phone?" "Sure. How come?" "I just it's about something Midoriya" "Oh yes yeah I'll get you a new phone and a number change but leave the social media post to me" "Ok" I watch as he goes back to sit in his chair I lay my head back down on the pillow and grab my phone texting the group chat

Sleephalfie: Hey guys I just wanted to tell you I'll be getting a new phone sometime this week or next week

Octmanbuff: Oh ok... is it because of what Deku is posting?

Sleepyhalfie: Yup and I'll be getting a new phone so I'll also be getting a new phone number but as soon as I know I'll tell you guys. I'm going now and sleep some more

Birdgod: Ok enjoy your sleep :)

Rockstart: Okay sleep well xD

Makemesis: Sleep well Sho and sounds good

Sleepyhalfie: haha thanks guys

finishing up work

I wake up after a little and I see my father, then I look at my phone it is not there... "Umm, father do you know where my phone is?" I ask "Oh it's here. You kept getting texts and calls from people who were upset" I look down and think for a second "You alright kiddo?" "Yeah I'm fine just wanna hurt someone really bad..." "Midoriya?" "Who else did all of this to me" "It'll be alright plus I'm dealing with it" He walks over and pats my head "Wanna go see Fuyumi after I finish up this last bit of work?" "Yeah, that'd be nice." "How about you walk this down to Hawks s' office and he may chat with you if so meet me at the front in 30" "Alrighty" I take the papers I need to give Hawks and go down to his office and 'knock' 'knock' "Come in it's open!" I open the door "Hey my father wanted me to give you this" "Oh great more papers" "Deal with it bird man" "I'm a HAWK" "Still a bird bye now" I look back at Hawks and see him making an odd face and I flip him off and run back going down the stairs. I felt like walking around a bit because I still had 25 minutes so I walk around getting to know the layout.

After that, I meet my dad downstairs and we walk out going to his car. As soon as I walk out to see some people at me and taking photos. My dad stands to the side of me so the people don't get photos of my face and once we get to the car I get in and wait till we're at the hospital to see Fuyumi. I ended up passing out and didn't wake till we were parking the car, which takes forever and I think I fell asleep at one point.

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