Sleepless summer

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When I'm done taking a shower and changing I go to bed...well try I've been laying in bed for the past 3 hours unable to sleep not on my phone just laying in the darkness I didn't eat anything plus I don't like I'm hungry really though my father said I could I mean it's like 23:47(11:47 PM) so... I may as well go downstairs and eat.

I get up off my bed and pull my socks up more to my knees and start walking to my door when I open it I look out first to see if my father is awake or even if Fuyumi is home, when I see that there is no one I walk out off my room leaving it creaked just a little and sit to walk past Natsuo's room 'I miss him he hasn't come home in a while cause I guess he hates me but I wouldn't blame him' I start walking to Fuyumi's room it doesn't sound like she's in there 'Oh well' I just continue walking down the hallway and once I reach the stair I see my father's room door is open so I go and walk up taking a peak inside looks like he's not home or not asleep yet so I just close his door and go back to the stairs and walk down.

Once I get down the stair I just walk over to the kitchen but I stop cause I feel as if something is wrong I turn and see that the bathroom door is open and I see something laying on the floor I go in and turn on the light wishing I didn't check nor turn on the light... I fall to my knees mind racing my eyes watering "NO NO NO PLEASE DON'T BE GONE" I go over and feel her pulse it's so weak I didn't stop and ran out of the bathroom and up to my room almost tripping on my feet and stair I slam on my door hard getting in and grab my phone and running back down the stair falling "Oww" I get up not stopping and call 119. They "Hello what is your emergency sir or ma'am?" "My older sister is laying on the floor in the bathroom her pulse is weak I need your help" "Ok what is your name may I ask" "Todoroki Shoto" "Ok I want you to put your sister in a way so you can start CPR. Do you know how Todoroki?" "Yes, How long will you guys take?" I put my phone down and on speaker and start giving CPR "There coming only 2 more minutes. But sweetie I want you to keep giving her CPR till they get there ok" "Yes Ma'am" I continue giving my sister CPR 'Please be ok I need you please' before I know it they come and I run over opening the door and show them where she is "What's her name and may you call someone to come to the hospital with you " "Todoroki Fuyumi and yes I'll call my father" I go and get my phone off the floor telling the lady "Thank you" and hanging up calling my father "Yes Shoto I'm busy but what is it?" "Umm hey dad" I'm sniffing a lot "Are you ok Shoto why are you crying your showing weakness" "I know I'm sorry b-but Fuyumi is going to the hospital I found her on the floor in the downstairs bathroom" "Do you know what happened" "No but it l-looks like s-she OD" "Okay I'll be there at the hospital but tell me what happened when you found her" "Yes Father" I can't hear anything on the other side and I know my father muted himself "Okay I am in the car know tell me" "I was coming downstairs cause I didn't eat anything before laying down and you let me so I want downstairs... and I realized something was off and the bathroom was slightly open and I opened it seeing something on the floor so I turned the light on finding her now the floor and running to get my phone calling 119 to help her" "Ok thanks for telling me Shoto... but now I want you to eat something and try to calm down and if you want eat the ice cream I got for myself and try and take a little night and I'll wake you up when I get home" "Ok bye father and please tell me how she is when you get home" "Sure Now bye Shoto" I hang up the phone and look in the frige and find Soba and it seems it be cold 'yay' I go and sit down in the kitchen I see that the door is open a little so I close it and sit back down eating my Soba trying to calm down the best I can... 'At least my dad is trying not to be upset at me for crying and he's trying to help me at least he did the same thing when my mom and Natsuo before he went to college I love him for those times he helps but I know it won't last'. Once I finish my soba I go back to the kitchen and clean my bowls and the rest of the thing in the sink for Fuyumi.

I go up to my room and don't even go to close the door I just leave it open I walk over to my closet and grab the last thing my mom gave me which was an arctic fox with red patches and Gary blue eyes... I remember my father did want me to see my mom laying on the bathroom floor bleeding out and got upset at me if I even tried walking in till the people got there and take her off to the hospital she was covered up and my father had had me in his arms "Fuyumi Natsuo go take Sho to the other room and play with him and make sure he does not go in my room" "Yes daddy" they both said as he put me down and Fuyumi take my hand and let me watch tv shows on her laptop the was once Toya's but he left soon before... after a few minutes I fell asleep and I wake up to my father saying "Sho I need to tell you something though you may not get it much and I wanna give you this... it was the arctic fox that I still love and use it to  help me get  through things

I grab it and close my closet laying on my bed and curling up into a ball and crying  non-stop after a few hours I'm still crying and really tired but can't sleep I just lay there till I see the sun start to rise and I hear the door open downstairs soon I see my father walking in and he looks at me "I'm guessing you didn't sleep at all that's ok" "I couldn't" "It's ok but could you change I still want to take you to work and I want you to lay down there okay?" "Yes, Father" I get up almost falling, and go into my closet changing into a hoodie and some jeans and I start leaving my room to get my phone and charger. I walk past Fuyumi's room looking at it " Sho she's ok but she's not awake right now so please trying not to worry" "Okay..." I start walking in front of my father and once we get into the car "So Shoto you wanna tell me something?" "Hmm? What do you mean?" "Do you like men?" "Y-yeah if that's ok" "I'll let it pass but don't let it get in your way" "Yes sir it won't" "Good now tell me are you dating anyone?" "Umm yeah well really talking more right now" "Ok thank you for at least being honest" I nod and let a light smile "Now when we get to my office I want you to lay down now the couch and try and get rest" I nod.

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