The Lunchroom

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I ran into the lunchroom. I stop and look around to find Tokoyami. I start walking over "Hey, can I sit here," "Sure, but you gonna have to sit next to Shoji cause Momo sits here." Jiro say, "Okay." I walk to the other side and sit next too Shoji "So, you choose to join us." Tokoyami says, "Yeah." I say, "Where's your food?" I look up at Shoji "I wasn't hungry." "Coming, you can have my food. I'm not that hungry.", "Oh thanks, I guess." I smile lightly "Hey Shoto!" I look over to see Deku and the others yelling my name. They walk over to me. Deku throws his tray at me "Hey! Deku, stop!" I feel Shoji grab me and puts me to the other side. He gets up "Leave him alone. I'm sorry for whatever he did to you ,but that's no right to make fun of him and be mean to him.", "Yeah, plus Iida, why are you letting him do this. You're class president." Momo says, looking at Iida, "Well, he deserved it." "No, he doesn't Shoto is human like. He deserves respect even if he did one thing wrong that doesn't define him!" "Yeah, plus he is amazing. He may have had the same life as most of us cause his dad is the number 2 hero!" "Oh, shut up! He acts so innocent" "He's not faking anything, so stop being a DICK DEKU" At this point, everyone was yelling about me. I open my to see Shoji holding his hand out to me. I look up, uncover my ears, and take his hand. We both sneak out of the lunchroom into the bathroom "I'm sorry for yelling near you." "It's ok." "I just wanted to help you cause you don't deserve any of this." Shoji hugs me "Thanks, but you don't have to." I hug him back "Yes, I had to. I like you." "I need some time. I don't know you that well ,but I'll tell you when I know," "ok whenever you're ready, I'll be here." "Hey do you wanna sit outside. I could show you my favorite place." "Sure, I'll follow you."

I take his hand and take him through the hall. We go through the grass. We go over to a tree with white paddles. I let go of his hand. He sits down. "This is nice," "Yup ,I didn't tell Izuku about it. He can't hurt me here." "What do you mean by hurt you?" "Oh umm, Izuku had some problems. He would hit me from time to time but that's cause he was stressed, I let him. My father does it too." "That's not right Sho. If it's ok for me to call you that." "Sure, you can call me that, but what do you mean that's not right? Is it not normal to hurt the people you love.." "I mean, yes ,but making you feel you deseve it." "Oh well, umm, what is a real relationship like?" " It should be full of love and caring for each other and.. umm, I don't really know." "You know how you said you liked me." "Yeah," I look up at Shoji, "Maybe you could show me what a real healthy relationship is like... and by the end of summer break. Which is only like one month, I'll see." "Oh ok,sounds nice, but you don't have to if you don't want. You don't have to." "No I think it'll be nice. I do like you. I'm guessing a relationship needs trust." "Yeah that's something else." I look at him and give a light smile "You look cute when you smile,"

Me and Shoji sit down under my favorite tree for a while. He sees the others "Hey guys, over here!" He yells out. The others come, running over "Hey you, what are you doing over here?" Momo says, "Oh, just sitting here 'cause it got too loud for me." "Oh I'm sorry Sho, about all that. You don't deserve any of it." "Oh no, it's ok. Not the first time". We all talk. Till the bell rings, we go home. We're all walking home together. First, Jiro's house, Momo goes with her girlfriend. 'They are so cute together.' so now it's just me, Shoji, and Tokoyami. We all talk.

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