Chapter 34

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Wren's POV

Tendrils of anxiousness started weaving their way into my mind. Mr. Hendricks had marched into this room without any care in the world, like he knew that Mr. Blackbourne spent time in here and that something had drawn him away. Judging from the way he had stopped short the moment he saw me in the room, he hadn't been expecting me to be in here. Either he thought I would have gone with Mr. Blackbourne or he didn't realize that there was a music class being taught in this room every day.

Every thump of my heart was a deafening wish that Mr. Blackbourne would walk back through the door so I wouldn't have to concoct more lies. It wasn't emotionally draining playing the game of creative truths with Mr. Hendricks because I felt no guilt in deceiving a man that made me so uncomfortable, but I'd give anything to not be facing this alone. "I have class with Mr. Blackbourne this period."

His eyes narrow as he looks around the room. "And where, exactly, is Mr. Blackbourne now? Why are you in here alone?"

Swallowing against the dry feeling in my throat and wishing that I hadn't left my phone in my case, I reply, "I'm not sure. He got called away to handle something and told me to stay here."

Tutting, he shook his head. "This won't do. Pack your things, you're coming with me."

Dread filled me at the thought of joining him in his office. With Mr. Blackbourne busy and Dr. Green in the nurse's office, there wouldn't be anyone to listen in on what was being said. The thought of being alone with him made me want to run to my phone and text one of the guys, just to warn them. "But if Mr. Blackbourne comes back and I'm not here--"

Mr. Hendricks shook his head firmly. "The next place he'll go will be the main office, where he will find you."

Arguing with him would only get me into trouble. I dragged my feet as I went to put my horn away, hoping that if I delayed our departure, Mr. Blackbourne would reappear and handle the principal. I couldn't even risk texting one of the guys before I slid my phone into my pocket because Mr. Hendricks was watching my every move like a hawk. He'd know exactly what I was doing if I sent out a text and the next thing he knew, he was being waylaid by one of the teachers or North doing is best impersonation of a well-mannered bull.

Every second that passed felt like an hour. My silent pleas for help from one of them, any of them, went unanswered.

I rarely carry my own case around. Kota takes it back and forth from school and Mr. Blackbourne carries it back and forth from the classroom and his office. It was too expensive to be left lying around the music room, though, especially since it wasn't even mine or the school's property. Feeling awkward, I slipped on my backpack and picked up the case in my good hand, ignore the ache in my shoulder, before following Mr. Hendricks miserably down the hall.

Part of me had been hoping that Dr. Green would show up out of nowhere like he had last time, but luck wasn't on my side. He wasn't in the hall and the door to their office remained closed as Mr. Hendricks directed me into his. He pointed at the chair from last time and said, "Sit."

My entire body was buzzing as I watched him circle around to his own seat. I don't like being in unfamiliar situations. It's like my entire body tries to convince me that we need to leave now. Last time I had been in here had been nerve wracking, but somehow knowing now that he was going to question me about the guys made things worse. I didn't want to mess up. Disappointing them over this would kill me--I'm causing enough trouble as it is.

"Does Mr. Blackbourne often leave you alone during class?" Mr. Hendricks asked, painting on an expression of mock concern.

"No, sir," I tell him honestly. "This was the first time."

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