Chapter 21

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Wren's POV

Saturday morning, I can feel every single ache and pain that I received the day before. Carrying Juni and Keegan around is excruciating, like my shoulder muscles are going to rip themselves apart. Bruises from Sheila's temper tantrum over Kota have mingled with the bruises from the Friday Fall incident, I hadn't slept at all, and I would like nothing more than to just cancel the whole damn day.

Sheila's fury had been taken out on my back, stomach, and abdomen so the bruises couldn't be seen. It had been a small blessing that she was already drunk when she got home last night. Sober Sheila is more conniving, drunk Sheila just hits me with her fists and whatever is within reach. If I can draw her away from the kids and anything overly dangerous, all I get out of it are bruises. She had been just sober enough to not hit me somewhere visible and just drunk enough to not get very creative.

Once she was done using me to take out her frustrations, she had packed a suitcase and marched right back out to her car. It was a bittersweet gift that she gave us after she lost her mind. She'd be on a binge all weekend and we were in the clear until at least Monday, which meant that I could let the kids be kids without any fear of her showing up.

I had decided that today was going to be a TV free day until I needed it to help babysit the boys while I make dinner. I hate having to rely on the thing, it was bad enough that they were growing up without real parents. I had to make up for it where I could, and this was one of those areas. Our morning was spent letting the boys sleep in a bit while I finished cleaning the rest of the mess from Sheila's bitch fit. After breakfast, we made a fort from blankets and pillows in the family room, allowing the boys to play make believe all morning. Dylan was playing with Keegan happily, although I'm not entirely convinced they were playing the same game.

It didn't matter. All morning long there were giggles and the sounds of their imaginations taking off. Toys were brought in and out. Different household items were repurposed. Bowls became helmets. Tupperware became drums. It was almost angelic compared to the day we'd had yesterday. Pain had receded to the back of my mind. Embarrassment over Kota and Mr. Blackbourne's presence last night trickled away.

I was in the kitchen making lunch, Keegan playing with his cars off to the side and Juni strapped to my chest while I peeled boiled eggs and got sandwich stuff together for the boys, when Dylan came in looking innocent. Instantly suspicious, I asked, "What do you want, Dylan?"

Leaning his arms on the counter, he pushed up to hold his weight before dropping back down, jumping up again, and repeating the process over and over while he begged, "Can Kota and Nathan and Silas and the others come over to play basketball with me?"

"I don't know, sweetie. They may be busy or spending time with their families." Part of me is nervous to have Kota back over. I have no way of knowing how much he heard last night, how much he'd guessed. It was clear he was concerned that Sheila had hit me and I'm not sure I did the best job convincing them otherwise.

But I wanted to see them-- when none of us were being weird or waiting for our turn to be interrogated. Maybe seeing me having fun with the kids would show them what they needed to see-- that we were fine.

Only two and a half more years of this shit. Kota looking at me with an entire wealth of legitimate concern and worry in his eyes made me want to just shove Juni into his arms and run like hell from here. I have a plan, though, and I can't risk anything ruining that.

Holding his weight up on his arms longer, Dylan gave me puppy dog eyes. "Pleeeease? It doesn't involve a TV!"

Manipulation is a skill taught in the womb, I'm convinced. "I can text and ask if anyone is free, but I'm not making any promises, okay?" He nodded enthusiastically and once I had the boys settled down at the table with their lunch, I pulled my phone out and opened the group chat.

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