Chapter 9

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Wren's POV

Nathan is waiting for us leaning against the end of lockers right outside the door when we arrive, his tie already loosened around his neck. When we get close, he pushes himself off the locker and smiles at me as I come around from behind North's back. "Hey, Wren, how was first period?"

North pushes open the door and holds it for both of us. There's three seats in the back and I follow Nathan to them. He sits down closest to the wall and North takes the first available one, leaving me to the middle once more. "Is Kota always so... organized?"

Laughing, Nathan leans back in his seat, watching me with bright eyes. "Did he color code a schedule again?"

"He's bizarrely efficient."

"That's Kota."

After roll call, our algebra teacher Mr. Gilbert looks around the room with a frown. His eyes land on North before referencing the seating chart he had been filling in. "Mr.... Taylor? Would you mind switching with Nathan behind you? I want to make sure everyone can see the board."

North turns around and searches my eyes instead of moving. The teacher is frowning, but North ignores him. "Are you okay with me sitting behind you?"

I scrape my lower lip across my teeth. No, not really. His dark eyes hold steady on mine and I can see that he's going to turn Mr. Gilbert down if I tell him no. If he sees even a hint that he's going to make me uncomfortable by being behind me, he's going to stay where he is. Which is why I reply, "Yeah. It's fine."

I don't know exactly why. It shouldn't matter to me if this prickly bear of a teenager gets into trouble for ignoring the teacher, but for some reason it makes me feel guilty thinking he'd get in trouble for me. Just to make sure I'm comfortable. Nathan's right there, it's not like North's going to bite me or something.

He must find what he's searching for because he stands up and motions for Nathan to move before falling into his new seat. At first, my shoulders are tense but as class goes on, I start to relax. North isn't Lewis and it isn't his fault they look similar.

When the bell rings, North offers me a smile that makes me a little dizzy before leaving. Nathan is the one who walks me to my music class, despite my efforts to talk him out of it. "I can find it on my own," I argue. "You're going to be late."

"Don't worry about me," he grins.

"Somebody has to. This is the opposite direction of where you're supposed to be."

Nathan shakes his head with a laugh. "I can go up the other hallway, and I'll be faster by myself. Let's just get you to class."

I'm deposited in front of Music Room B before Nathan hurries back down the hall. I frown at the door, wondering why I'm in here at all. Taking a deep breath, I push open the door. I'm immediately greeted by the familiar sight of chairs and music stands, as well as a piano in the middle of the space. The surprising part is that as the door closes, I realize there are no other students. There's only a lone man sitting on a piano bench who raises a familiar eyebrow at me as recognition hits me.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Blackbourne," I breathe, frantically bringing my schedule back up to my face. "My schedule says I'm supposed to be in here, but I must have gotten the wrong room. I'll leave."

"Miss Nelson, you are in the right room," his even voice carries across the room.

"I'm.... What?"

Mr. Blackbourne stands up and my nerves amp up again at the sight of his suit coat gone and him straightening his crisp dress shirt sleeves. "You seemed more interested in your instrument of choice than you were in taking an art class, since creative writing is not being offered this year. I took the liberty of contacting your old band director and he expressed that you were a good player who seemed to enjoy mastering the art."

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