Chapter 26

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Sean's POV

It's been a long time since I wanted to deck Owen Blackbourne, but walking next to Wren Nelson while she is trembling from the adrenaline that came from confronting him, I want to blacken his eye more than anything. I don't know what it is about her that makes him act like a clueless idiot, but he has lost his goddamn mind.

"There's not that long before the bell," I tell her as we make our way into the main hall. "You can't do anything in PE, anyway. I'll let your teacher know you were doing something for us and she'll fix your absence. Just go get your brother, go home, and relax."

She looks about ready to cry but if I know Wren, which I don't-- not really, it's because she's frustrated. Still makes me want to go back to that office and kick Owen for good measure. He's been showing his ass in regards to this girl ever since he got time alone with her in class. It was one thing when I was the only one getting the crap spewing out of his mouth, but it was clear he had said something to her, too.

Wren had relaxed at the mention of her brother, her shoulders softening and her face losing some of its hard lines. She really loved that kid and it made my heart swell. Even if their mom is useless, at least Dylan has a sister that loves him as much as Wren does. There are worse fates. "Can you do that? Just let me go early?"

Strictly speaking, no-- I can't. Not exactly. I can't find it in me to care what they think right now, though. "If I walk with you out into the parking lot, no one will make any fuss about it. If anyone asks, you were with me the whole time." She smiled up at me appreciatively and my heart thundered in my chest. I shouldn't, everyone believes she's my student. If I had met her only a week earlier, in front of Kota's house instead of here, things would be infinitely different.

She's almost seventeen, the age of consent. Only two years younger than me. Christ, I'd do anything to get to know her better. To pull her into my lap the way that Victor had or play with her hair the way Gabe does. To sit with her and my family as we all eat lunch in the South Carolina sun and just... be.

I'm not a real teacher. I don't have a degree or a certificate, I wasn't hired on by the district. I am an extension of the Academy working here for the greater good of our community. Unfortunately, in the eyes of my fellow teachers and administrators, I am a teacher. In her eyes, too, even though she knows about me and Owen in relation to the boys. She's never seen us that way, though, so the team thing doesn't mean much to her, yet.

In the long run it wouldn't be illegal to pursue her but from a moral standpoint, it was blurred. The news channels wouldn't care about the technicalities. They'd plaster my face all over the 5 o'clock news with no regard to truths. Parents would lose their minds, students would come out of the woodwork to falsely accuse me, and Wren's reputation would be tanked.

God, I regret taking this assignment.

Even just walking next to her, my hands shoved in my pockets so I don't forget and reach out towards her the way that my brothers do, is the highlight of my day. It's calm, peaceful. I hate that I'm going to have to ruin it. "Flower, I know you're all Miss Independent, I-Don't-Need-No-Man and it's admirable-- truly. But would you at least let Kota drive your backpack home for you? It's a long walk and there's really no need for you to carry it the whole way."

She surprises me by huffing out a sigh and nodding. "That sounds like a fair middle ground, Dr. Green."

"Sean," I say without thinking and when she gives a confused look, I clear my throat. "Outside those walls, please call me Sean. I'm not like Owen, formality gives me hives and hardly anyone uses my given name, anymore." Well, our typically fearless leader uses it, but only when we're alone and I just really want to hear her say it.

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