Chapter 18

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Wren's POV

Friday morning, the halls were already crowded with students when I made it to school, even though I was on time. The low buzz of conversations and laughter, like a swarm of agitated flies, was almost overwhelming as I weaved my way through the crowd. The closer I got to the cafeteria, the tighter the hall was packed, making me wish that I had access to my personal bulldozers. With Silas, North, and Nathan around, I rarely had to fight my way through swarms of people.

Fizzy wasn't going to be here today, though, and it surprised me how sad it made me. I'm going to miss having him in algebra and gym, seeing him at lunch. I had texted him last night after the kids went to bed, just checking in on him and he seemed to be doing alright. Texting him isn't the same, though.

Someone bumped into me as they tried to squeeze past and I frowned, jarred out of my thoughts about Nathan. I had already given up trying to get around people, accepting that I was going to have to be patient if I didn't want to have to throw elbows. My mind was elsewhere, letting the noise from the other students wash over me until part of a conversation from in front of me trickled back. "I heard the first Friday is when they do that Friday Fall thing," a girl was saying to her two companions, both of whom I faintly recognized as being in a couple of my classes.

Trying to not be suspicious, I edged closer to their group, something in the back of my mind telling me I needed to pay attention.

"That's when it's supposed to happen," one of the other girls confirmed. Trish, I think. We have 5th period chemistry together. "Honestly, I'm not even sure it happened last year. I heard a rumor it did, but I didn't see it, myself."

"You're just a freshman, Stacey," the third girl soothed her. Her name's Grace, she's in two of my classes. "You don't get enough attention to be on their radar, anyway. If they aren't paying attention to you, no one's going to suggest that you're going to be the one."

Stacey shrugged her shoulders, not looking convinced. "I just don't want to get hurt. How do you even know what to avoid?"

The group veers off towards the library and for a moment, I consider following them. The way they were talking was setting off red flags, even though I wasn't entirely sure why. Last year at my old school, there was a hazing ritual that had gone wrong on the football team and one of the guys ended up in the hospital for a week. The school had made the news and there was a police investigation into the team members involved and the coaches. I remember Grace talking about being on the softball team and I had seen Trish wearing an Ashley Waters athletics shirt yesterday. They could be talking about a hazing thing.

The only problem with my hazing theory is that freshmen are normally the ones targeted. So, Stacey not being on any radars wouldn't have anything to do with it. Was hazing the sort of thing that Mr. Blackbourne and the others were looking for while they're here?

It wouldn't hurt anything to bring it up. When I turned outside into the courtyard, I hurried towards the boys. Minus Nathan, they were already in our usual spot. Kota was on a bench by himself, his nose in a book. Next to him were North and Silas who were talking, although North had his narrowed eyes aimed towards his brother. Victor was between Silas and Gabe, playing on his phone, while Gabriel and Luke were deep in conversation, leaning between the two benches as they whispered intently, their eyes on Luke's phone.

The first one to notice me is Silas, whose eyes light up with recognition. "Koritsi mou!" he calls out in greeting as he stands up and heads towards me, meeting me halfway across the courtyard. I can't help my smile and the way I relax, even before he wraps his arms around me and lifts me in a warm hug. Silas is such a gentle giant; you can't help but feel a little more peaceful in his presence.

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