Chapter 4- The Secrets

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"Um....because...uh....IT'S JUST A NICKNAME! Yea. Just a plain nickname for Mari. My BFF", Chloe managed to eventually say.

"Oh. Well speaking of bugs, I hear there were superheroes here. Ladybug and Chat Noir?", Aiko recalled.

"Chat Noir is no more", Marinette spat out.

"Right right. There were new heroes. Queen Bee, Viperion and Ryuko, was it?", Aiko asked slyly.

"Yes, the new hero team", Luka smiled.

"Maybe we should get Ladybug and the team to expose Lila, after all they are "best friends"", Marinette smirked.

"So how would you find the heroes if hawkmoth has been defeated?", Aiko asked.

"Well, I happen to-

"Be ladybug?", Aiko interrupted.

"Whaaaaat? Ladybug? Me? No", Marinette denied.

"And I'm guessing that Chloe is Queen Bee, Luka is Viperion and another one of your friends is Ryuko", Aiko guessed.

"H-how? How'd you do that?" Chloe asked stunned. No one. Not even Marinette's parents knew she was ladybug. And here was a girl from America, easily guessing their identities.

"I've been around masked heroes long enough to know who's underneath. And plus, you all look like them. I'm suprised no one has made the connection yet", Aiko giggled. 

"Then you can probably guess who Chat Noir is", Chloe said.

"Uhh...nope! Not really", Aiko adimtted.

"Well I guess since you know ours, we might as well tell you about ex-hero Chat Noir. It was Adrien", Marinette revealed.

"Adrien? The model? I thought he was cool until he started blaming you for today", Aiko huffed.

"Yeah, he knows Lila is lying, but her lies aren't hurting anyone apparently, and he told me I shouldn't call out her lies. But he didn't even try to stop the class from beating me up', Marinette explained.

"We stopped considering him a friend ever since he blamed us for the situation we're in", Chloe added.

"He even blames them for his breakup. His girlfriend Kagami Tsurugi broke up with him telling him that he was blinded by that liar and he should've never hurt Marinette.", Luka put in.

"Kagami Tsurugi??? The famous fencer?? She's your friend?? OMG!! Everyone would die to meet her! Especially Damien, because Dick keeps teasing him saying that she will take him down in one go!", Aiko giggled.

"Dick?", Chloe asked confused.

"His full name is Richard, but we call him Dick for short. He's Damien's oldest brother, and Bruce's first adopted son", the girl explained.

"So how did you meet Damien Wayne?", Luka asked.

"Oh well you know...the usual thing", Aiko said, wanting to avoid the story. She knew she couldn't tell them how they really met.

"The Waynes are the Batfam, aren't they?", Marinette asked.

"Um...WHAT? No, no way. How could they be the Bats? I mean, have you met any of the-"

"It's pretty obvious when you put together the fact that you know superheroes well, and you are close to the Waynes and the Bats. And plus, from what you've told us, we can easily guess they are skilled fighters", Luka began.

"And who else could actually afford the gadgets?", Chloe put in.

"Well, yea. They are", Aiko confirmed.

"So how'd you guys meet?", Marinette asked again.

"Me and Dami weren't really close at the start. You see we were the complete opposite. My parent had died when I was younger, and I had been all alone for at least 10 years. I only had my dog.", Aiko began to tell.

"You parents died?", Luka asked.

"Yeah. My dad was a scientist and he had built something that the government needed, I had money to get by. I attended Gotham High where I met Damien. He was so cold to everyone. Giving them the famous bat glares. I never spoke to him really. He was good looking and a lot of girls had crushes on him, but he never paid attention to any of them. We got paired up for a project, and he invited me over to the manor. That was when I first met the rest of them. I really loved it. The atmosphere of a family. They sensed something was wrong, so I told them about my past, and they welcomed me with open arms. I had to go over a few time for our project, and I got very close with the Waynes.", Aiko retold.

"So how did you find out that they were the Batfam?", Chloe questioned

"One night, I was walking home after staying late in the library was attacked by a group of men. It seemed they were after something of my father's. Robin saved me. And that night I feel in love with him. I didn't think he could've been Damien, considering how soft he spoke to me. I ended up getting close to Robin is well, constantly putting myself in dangerous situations to be close to him. We had our few kisses but he never told me who he was under the mask. Damien also started talking to me more, but I couldn't make the connection back then. Until I was offered a chance to work with the heroes to help uncover secrets about my father's project, and that when when I realised it was them behind the masks. They denied at first then eventually gave up. I then remembered how close I had been with Robin, and if that was Damien, I didn't know what to do. I decided to ask later after we had completed the mission. And when we did, I asked him why he did what he did when he was Robin, and he admitted to liking me. Of course he asked me to be his girlfriend, which Jason recorded to use as blackmail later, since you don't see him being emotional like this. After that I moved into Wayne Manor, and I've been living there for almost 2 years. He proposed to me last month", Aiko finished smiling ever so happily at the memories of her and her fiancee.

"Lila really should check her facts is well before lying", Chloe snickered.

"Yeah. Didn't she say she rejected Robin cause she was dating Damien Wayne?", Marinette recalled.

Aiko giggled, while Luka laughed out loud. Chloe and Marinette soon joined in the laughter. After the laughter had died down, Luka had a thought.

"So how do we get all the celebs to expose Lila? We can't just have them rock up and sue her", Luka said.

"Yeah, there's not much fun in that", Chloe sighed.

"I actually have an idea"

Everyone turned to look at Aiko.

"The Waynes can host a gala here in Paris. And we can invite all your celebrity friends is well. Of course everyone will go ask them about Lila, the answers they will get will be shocking", Aiko explained.

"Yes! And we can even to a special reveal of MDC, Queen C and LC!", Marinette squeaked.

"As well as a reveal of Damien's real fiancee", Chloe winked.

They all laughed out again. But Aiko did not miss the way Luka looked at the blue-haired girl. His eyes full of admiration for her. She knew that she would get them together no matter what.

Buzzzzz. Buzzzzz.

Aiko took her phone that was finally charged, and when she saw who was calling, her face lit up with a big smile on her face. Perfect timing.



Another chapter!! YAYAYAYAYAYYAY!!

This was just a chapter for more information on Aiko and for them to reveal their superhero personas. The plan be starting to take down the Liarrr!!



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