Chapter 9.5- The Trip

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The next day after the Gala was a Saturday. After the ending of the Gala, Marinette and Chloe just wanted to get away from it all, especially their class trying to apologise. The friday had been Aiko's last day, and they were going to miss her. It was at that moment that Jon suggested the most amazing idea ever.

"Why don't you guys come with us, and stay in Gotham for a few days?"

Chloe especially was excited, since she got to spend more time with Jon.

"Well angel, how about it?", Dami asked his fiancee.

"Sure! I would love to have them over" Aiko cried, hugging Damien.

"Sounds like fun", Luka commented.

"OMG! You can have your first date in Gotham!", Aiko screamed, causing Marinette and Luka blush.

Marinette asked her parents if it was okay, which they said yes and it was decided. Chloe, Marinette and Luka would be going to Gotham with the Waynes and Kents.

Marinette seemed to be the only one amazed by going in a private jet.

"This is so cool!", Mari screamed, making everyone giggle.

It was a long flight back to Gotham, but spending that time with everyone made it fun, especially the games, the laughter. Mari and Mar'i sometimes getting their names confused. Dami and Aiko snuggled together, since they hadn't really gotten much time with each other. Jon was allowed to stay in Gotham for the few days that Chloe was going to be there.

"I hope its not too much trouble Bruce", Clark said to Bruce.

"No its not. The Manor had plenty of room for them", he replied.

After arriving in Gotham, the Kents left immediately to Metropolis. The rest headed back to Wayne Manor.

"Wow, this house is so big", Marinette stared at it in awe.

"It seems to be bigger than our hotel", Chloe said.

"Come on in guys, we can rest for a few hours then head out", Aiko ushered her friends in.

Chloe and Marinette shared a room, while Luka shared a room with Jon.

"Which room is yours Aiko?", Marinette asked.

"I share with Damien", Ai responded.

Marinette and Chloe started making embarrassing jokes, making Ai turn 10 shades of red.

They all got some rest, and then Chloe, Mari, Luka, Aiko, Jon and Dami headed out.

"We'll be back late so don't make dinner for us", Dami informed Alfred.

"You don't need to come patrol tonight. Just enjoy your time with her", Dick told Damien.

"Thanks", Dami mumbled in response.

"Wait. Did demon spawn just say "thanks"?", Jason yelled.

The next 15 minutes was spent trying to stop Damien from running his katana through Jason.

The six left to wander around Gotham. Aiko led them to some romantic spots Dami had taken her as well as the best boutiques and shops. Marinette and Chloe did a few purchasing and the guys decided to let the girls shop.  Even though it had only been a few hours, Marinette really enjoyed her time in Gotham, and was able to forget about Lila finally. Luka saw how happy his girlfriend was and was glad he was part of her happiness. 

They decided to go on a triple date, so took a detour back to the manor, got changed for dinner than left again. Damien and Aiko took them all to one of the fanciest restaurants in Gotham, insisting they would pay for the dinner. It was all so fun, while they talked about funny moments that happened, and remembered how they had exposed the liar. Aiko and Jon even brought up things about Damien, which were very embarassing.

"So how long do you plan to stay?", Damien asked Marinette and Chloe.

"Not sure, the last day of school is on Wednesday so I think we're staying 2 more days then leaving" Marinette explained.

"As much as we don't want to return, we will have to go for last day of school to put in some extra effect" Marinette giggled.

"I'm coming with you guys. It was because of me that your in this position, so I should be there for the "aftermath"", Aiko offered

"Then I'll come back with you", Dami said hold onto Aiko hands.

"Are you sure? There's gonna be trouble", she responded.

"I'm coming too", Jon joined in. "If your class is going to be there, then I want to make sure that nothing bad happens to you guys"

"To us or just Chloe?", Aiko smirked. 

The two blushed like crazy. 

"If Damien and Jon are going, then I'm coming is well. If the six of us are there, they'll feel more threatened and will be careful about what they say and do", Luka explained.

"Thanks Luka", Marinette pecked his cheek.

The six finished their dinner and headed back to the manor. The next two days, they enjoyed it as much as they could. They ended up going to a theme park with the whole Wayne family, and ended getting bombarded by paparazzies. Well, why wouldn't they? Whole Wayne family, Damien's fiancee, LC and MDC as well as Queen C and Jon Kent. Jason started calling out threats which Bruce didn't even try to stop, as he wanted to spend some time with his family too, without any press. The last day they spent together inside, not wanted the previous day repeat, but it was still fun. Fighting, gaming, pillow fights and lots of food.

Bruce and Selina even started to talk about actually getting a proper business deal for MDC. 

"We can help you get started", Bruce offered.  Marinette and Chloe were super excited as they were wondering how to start and actual company at a young age. 

But sadly the trip came to and end, and Jon had to head back to Metropolis to pack again for his trip to Paris, while the rest of them headed back to the airport.

"Don't cry Jason, I'll be back after graduation", Aiko patted his head.

"You're not even graduating from there", Dick pointed out.

"And isn't your exchange student thing finished?", Tim asked.

"Yeah, but I wanna see my friends graduate", Aiko yelled out. 

"So your going to stay for longer?", Damien asked.

"Just an extra two days", Marinette started to say, "Our graduation will be on Friday"

"Fine, but you can stay as long as I'm there", Damien demanded. 

"Fine..", Ai pouted.

The five then headed of to Paris, with Jon coming later.

*                                                                    *                                                           *

It was Wednesday morning, and Marinette was nervous to head back to school.

"It'll be fine Mari-bug. You have not only me, but Luka, Aiko, Damien and Jon here", Chloe reassured her friend. 

"Thanks guys", Marinette cried.

Luka hugged his girlfriend and she hugged him back crying into his arms. After 4 years she finally felt complete. She had a loving boyfriend, a successful company, and amazing friends that will always have her back.

"Lets go!"

With that the six started to enter the school.


Another filler. yayaayayy. now to see what happens when they apologise.

Will Marinette forgive them? or will she not?

Find out in next chapter!! c:<

- Marshmallow c:

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