Chapter 10- The Apologies

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The Gala had ended well, except for Marinette's class and Lila. Each one of them were broken and felt betrayed, especially Alya. While all of them were sucking up to Lila's lies, and trusting she could help them get a job easily, Marinette and Chloe had rose to the top through their own hard work and efforts. Juleka tried to persuade Luka to come home, but he refused. He was happy with the people he had now. 

After Luka asked Marinette, the gala finished and the guests were welcome to move around and chat or dance. The class tried to get to them and apologise, but were blocked. The Kents and the Waynes were not letting the class through. 

"Alya, was it?", Louis asked. 

"Yes", Alya answered. Her idol was in front of her.

"Well, I heard you wanted to be a journalist, but sorry to say that you have no future in journalism. Not only did you post lies that a girl spewed with no proof, but you also cyberbullied these two girls", Louis fumed. She would've continued if Clark didn't pull her away.

"Please escort them out", he instructed to the security.

The security escorted the class out, while they desperately tried to get Marinette's attention, but failed. Adrien was beyond furious. Marinette had chosen Luka over him! But it wasn't too late for her to change her mind. One way or another, Marinette would be his.

Each person in the class was handed papers, sueing them for either bullying, slander, or defamation. All of Paris had heard what had happened at the Gala, and Lila was receiving alot of hate. Her and Alya had the most to deal with as Alya was the one who posted all those lies on the Ladyblog. Over the weekend, the class tried to get in touch with Chloe and Marinette but it was only then that they realised that the two girls had changed their numbers, and none of them had Aiko's contact. They all decided to wait until Monday to see if they could ask for forgiveness. 

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It wasn't until Wednesday, the last day of school that Aiko, Chloe and Marinette walked to class with their respective boyfriends. Damien and Jon decided to stay with Aiko, and leave when she would leave at the end of the week.  Luka decided to tag along, since this would be the first time they were seeing the class after the Gala. The six walked to the back to take a seat, while the rest of class stared, unknowing what to do. They were also very confused as to why Aiko was still here, since she should've gone back to Gotham, but she was here, along with Damien, Jon and Luka. It was going to be harder to apologise.

"Marinette! Why didn't you come to school for the past two days?", Rose asked breaking the awkward silence.

"I was hanging out with my new friends, that's why", Marinette responded.

"We went back to Gotham for a few days then came back for the last day of school", Aiko explained.

"I still can't believe Jon and Damien came back with us", Chloe shrieked, hugging Jon.

"Mum was against it until Damien said he'll come along", Jon laughed.

"Tt. No way I'm letting my fiancee sit here for 1 day, with these losers", Damien growled. 

A few of them turned to glare at Lila, who shrunk back in her seat. 

"But it was funny when Selina told Jason he can't come", Luka remembered.

They all started laughing and giggling. 

The class felt more sad than before. Chloe and Marinette had both moved on, and they looked more happier then before.

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