Chapter 11- The Future

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Everyone in the class had trouble finding a good college. Though they were just barely able to make it. The after effects of Lila's lies still lingered around. Lila had promised many people that she would use her connections to help her classmates futures, so many did not bother to put in much hard work and effort. Alya had it the worst. She had turned her exceptional Ladyblog, into a site that worships Lila...and her lies. It took longer, but she was able to finally make it into a journalism course, though it was not a very good one. She missed her friend Marinette. Could she even call her that? Everyone in the class still kept in touch with each other, but no one could get a hold of Marinette or Chloe. 4 months after graduation, they found out the two girls had moved to Gotham and started up the company, MDC. They were sponsored by the Waynes, Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale and many more celebrities. Alya sighed as she scrolled though her social media. Marinette seemed so happy now. She had moved on. Without her. The class gathered together every now and then to see how each other were going. They were finally getting their lives back together. 

Marinette was super happy. She had finally started her own fashion company, and her designs were selling fast. Everyone loved MDC clothing. Her and Chloe moved into the Wayne Manor after graduation, which everyone was very happy about. Luka visited every time he finished his tour and wasn't staying with Jagged. He became more famous than ever and was an international star. Him and Marinette were still going strong, and LC x MDC were trending high. Jon and Chloe were now engaged, and news of the young Kent's engagement to Queen C spread like fire. Marinette was still waiting for Luka to propose, and Luka was getting a lot of pressure from Aiko, Dick and Jason to do so.

Adrien hated every photo he saw of Luka. Every photo of Luka and Marinette. He wished he hadn't gave her the stupid high-road advice. If he hadn't, he still would've had his princess. But she wasn't his. He tried so hard to get her, but he wasn't even allowed 50 metres within MDC. He still modeled for other companies, but he always got rejected to model for MDC. He had lost. 

Whenever MDC would come to Paris, the class would try to get in, but Marinette had strictly told the security not to let a single person in. The class knew Marinette wouldn't forgive them, but they still tried. They constantly saw photos of her online. Alya saw that it could've been her instead of Chloe. She was heartbroken. She had believed the lies of Lila, a girl who only looked for money, fame and popularity. She had pushed away Marinette, her former BFF, who only tried to help her. Everyday the class waited for an opportunity to say how sorry they were, but they never got it. 

Speaking of Lila, the girl was sent back to a boarding school back in Italy, after all the trouble she had caused in Paris. Everyone was now aware of the manipulating brat. She was sent back to school to make up for the time she missed due to her "trips to exotic places". After she finally finished school, she found it hard to fit anywhere, since they all knew about her and her lies. Her life ended up being shit all because she chose to mess with Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her friends. Her real friends.

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"Come on! What are you waiting for?", Chloe yelled.

"Just do it!", Aiko pressured.

"Is he doing it?", Dick asked.

"Come on Dami! Tell him he has to do it now!!", Aiko cried.

"Tt. She's right Luka. If your sure she's the one, then you shouldn't wait", Damien advised, "Ask her. Just like I did" 

He hugged Aiko, his wife. They had both gotten married 4 months ago, and were extremely happy. It was 3 years after they had graduated and moved on from the liar situation, and Luka had finally decided to propose to Mari.

"It's nerve-racking, but we all know she'll say yes!", Jon encouraged. Him and Chloe were going to get married soon is well.

"Just do it already man", Jason groaned, "Pixie pop is waiting for you to propose. Don't chicken out now. If you do, I'll run you over then slice your throat...very slowly. It'll be painful!"

Jason and Marinette had gotten very close, and developed a sister-brother relationship. Jason was very protective of her.

"Okay. Okay. I'll do it now", Luka finally agreed. Everyone pushed him to the garden, where Mari was waiting for him.

"You wanted to talk to me, Luka?", Mari asked.

"What's going on?", Selina whispered.

"Luka is going to do it", Dick answered, making sure they were all hidden form Mari's view.

"He is?", Kor'i asked.

They all nodded, and watched what would happen.

"Marinette, you are an amazing girl. I fell in love with you the first day I met you, and I have only grown you love you more each day we're together. We've been friends for almost 7 years now, and dated for 3. And I just want to say this one more time. You're an amazing girl Marinette. As clear as a musical note and as sincere as a melody. You're the song that's been playing in my head since the day we met. I love you", Luka confessed, getting down on one knee and holding out a box with a beautiful diamond ring.

"Will you marry me?"

Marinette gasped. She felt tears fill her eyes. She threw herself at Luka and hugged him tight.

"Yes! I will marry you!"

"Yay!", everyone cheered as they came out of the bushes.

They guys congratulated Luka, while the ladies all hugged and cheered on Marinette.

"Wait! What did I miss?", Tim asked, as he walked in with Bruce.

"Luka proposed to Marinette!", Aiko squealed.

"Congratulations", Bruce congratulated.

News of LC and MDC's engagement went all over the news, as well as the wedding of Jon Kent and Queen C.

The class had scrolled through the photos and videos, of one of their former classmate's wedding. They hadn't been informed or invited. Sabrina stared at her ex-bestfriend. She regretted leaving her for Lila. But there was nothing she could do now.

As for Mari and gang, now that Chloe's wedding was done, it was time for Marinette's.


One more chapter left i think. This story is coming to an end.

Lila have bad life. The class have bad life, but it starts getting okay. 

Marinette and Luka going to get married. Aiko and Damien already married. So are Jon and Chloe. YAYAYAYAY!

- Marshmallow c:

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