Chapter 6- The Invite

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Over the course of the next week, Marinette, Chloe, Luka and Aiko were working hard on the plan for exposing the liar. Of course they had a lot of disturbances with Alya and Lila constantly causing them problems, even attacking poor Aiko. But they all held it together because they knew the outcome of their plan. Bruce had finally called Ai, and told her the date. They had one more week left till the gala, and the invitation for the class would be given today. The news of the Waynes holding a gala in Paris had already spread, and that only a few people were going. Of course Marinette and Luka were able to get Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale into it.

"SHE SAID WHAT!?!", Jagged had yelled when Mari had told him about the situation. "You're telling me that for 4 years that this girl named Lila has been lying about you, and leading the whole class to bully you??"

"Um...yea, basically.", Marinette laughed lightly.

"Luka! Why didn't you tell me about this?", Jagged asked, disappointed.

"She didn't want me too, and there was no way I could argue with her", Luka reasoned.

"I guess your right", Jagged admitted, "So what's the plan now?"

"Well, all the people we know that Lila lied about will be attending the Gala, held by the Waynes. Our new friend, Aiko, is Damien's girlfriend, so it was easy to get them involved, especially after Lila pissed Aiko off by stating Damien was had proposed to her. We need you to come is well so we can expose her lies", Marinette explained.

"What lies specifically?", Jagged asked, knowing Marinette left out some details.

"Other than saving you cat from being run over by a plan, she also said you wrote her a song that was only for her ears", Marinette answered.


"How old is this girl?", Penny asked.

"Same age as me, 18", Marinette told.

"I'll get the papers ready so we can sue her on the spot", Penny said, getting out her phone.

"I'm in. This plan is so rock n' roll", Jagged screamed.

"Thanks Jagged, we knew we could count on you", Luka smiled.

Clara Nightingale was easy to convinced, but what really got her into it was the lies that Lila has spread. Clara was infuriated to learn that the Italian snake had claimed that she had stolen her dance moves. Bruce was able to get a few more celebrities to attend and of course, the Kents were mad too that there was a girl lying about knowing them and threatening a girl they saw as their daughter. Jon especially was angry that Aiko got to meet Queen C.

"WHHHHAATT?!?! QUEEN C?!?!", Jon screamed.

"Um...yea. Also MDC and LC...", Aiko added.

"I am coming to Paris with mom and dad, and you Aiko will introduce me to Queen C before I blast you", Jon instructed.

"Mmm...but Jon, you know that if even a scratch lands on me, that Dami will kill you, right?", Aiko reminded sweetly.

She could feel Jon shuddering through the phone. "Right..."

Marinette, Aiko and Chloe were huddled together in the back of the class. Ai was texting Damien, purposely calling him Dami-boo to infuriate him, which was working, while Chloe and Marinette were giggling the couple chatting. 

"What are you guys laughing about?", Lila asked innocently, "I hope its not about me..."

"Wow, seriously guys? I know you don't like her, but that doesn't mean you can laugh about her like that", Adrien added. He was especially mad that his princess had been with Luka. 

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