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- 12 -

When I woke the next morning, my desire to rebel was still fresh in my mind. Even more so, the need to find Fred and let him know of my change of heart was what dragged me out of bed that morning. I kept my eyes sharp at breakfast, but before long it was time to head for class and I still hadn't seen him. I walked slowly to Charm's class, expecting to catch him running late however was surprised to see both him and George quietly discussing something with Professor Flitwick. Fred glanced at me quickly over his shoulder at me, and I took it as my cue to speak to him. But as I opened my mouth to speak, Professor Flitwick began his lesson.

Both twins disappeared again after class, rushing off down the corridor and out of my sight. Leaving me to silently stew over the feeling that they had something planned. I wasn't quite sure if whatever they were doing would be good or not. Who was I kidding, I didn't even know if they were even planning something or whether it included me or not.

To say my free period was unproductive because of this, was an understatement.

"Despite my protests," Professor Snape snarled from the front of the potions classroom. I did my best to push Fred from my mind, knowing that Snape was the professor most likely to notice and punish me for being unattentive in a lesson. "it seems that Professor Dumbledore disagreed with my choice to scrap Amortentia from the curriculum last year, and has requested I cover it this class."

I couldn't help the feeling of excitement that made me perk upwards in my seat. Noticeably, I was not the only female in the room that sat a little straighter and listened slightly harder. Kelby chuckled from beside me, but even he looked curiously at the ingredients meticulously placed across Professor Snape's desk.

"Oh no, if I start acting weird it's cause somebody slipped something in my pumpkin juice." Eli joked, leaning forward to whisper towards Kelby and I. Kelby snorted quietly, but Snape did not miss the sound and glared heatedly at our table. Eli smiled innocently at Professor Snape while Kelby sank lower in his seat. Since his outburst in Professor Umbridge's class, he had returned even further into his shell during classes.

"This," Snape snarled, whipping the lid of his cauldron before quickly snapping it shut. For less than a second, the room was filled with an incredible smell, that I wasn't quite able to place. "Is what your potion should look like should you be successful at the end of this lesson." With a flick of his wand, two lists of names appeared side by side on the board at the front of the room. I scanned down the list, finding my own name halfway down the list. "There will be your new partners for the rest of the term, if you have a problem with your partner... I do not care." My eyes flick to the name of my new partner, praying silently that it's Kelby or Eli. I blink in disbelief when I see the name.

subsequent - f. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now