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- 06 -

"What in Merlin's name is she wearing on her head?" Eli questioned the morning of the Gryffindor verse Slytherin quidditch match. His question aimed at the Lion shaped hat that sat precariously on top of the head of Luna Lovegood. "I knew she was a little loony, but the hats a bit much don't you think?"

"Come off it Eli, I think it's cool." Kelby retorts, smiling fondly in the girl's direction. He laughs slightly when the hat lets out a loud roar. "You have to admit its an impressive piece of charm work."

"Careful Kelly, someone might think you have a crush," Eli teases, nudging Kelby's side.

"And what if I did?" Kelby says, narrowing his eyes at Eli. His cheeks turn pink, and he returns to his breakfast quickly. Eli gapes at the boy, obviously not expect Kelby to be interested in the younger girl, or to admit it so blatantly.

"Oh... I thought..." Eli blinks, stuttering out an attempt at replying, "... nevermind."

"I think that's great Kelly! I don't really know her, but she seems lovely." I say cheerfully, Kelby generally didn't admit his feelings openly unless he was actually serious about being interested in them. He preferred to keep his crushes private. The last time Kelby had admitted to having a crush on someone, the only thing he revealed was that it was a boy in our year from Slytherin. "We should try and sit with her at the match today, I'm sure she'll be with Ginny and I've been meaning to catch up with her anyway." The blush doesn't leave Kelby's cheeks but he nods quickly.

"Whatever you do, do not mention the Christmas holidays to Jamie or Tommy anytime soon" Dillon warns, sliding into the seat next to me. At the confused looks he receives from us, he continues. "I may have invited him to spend Christmas with my family, except apparently you guys have some fancy family reunion party this year?" He directs the second half of his sentence at Eli, who winces and nods.

"Why can't he do both?" I wonder.

"Well my family and I are going to New York for Christmas, and we're leaving the morning of the party," Dillon explains, a frown on his face. "I swear I didn't know, Mum just asked if I wanted to bring a friend and he's never been overseas so I thought he'd like it."

"Don't worry about it Dil, she's just tense because our cousin is bringing her boyfriend. The two are always competing over who's life is better, and Jamie hates it cause she can't brag about magic and Hogwarts." As Eli speaks, Jamie and Tommy both enter. Both storming down the walkway between the tables, before sending a final glare in each other's direction before Tommy sits down next to Dillon, and Jamie takes the seat as far away from us as she can.

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