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"Are you sure about this Elora?" Eli asked, he was faced away from us, hesitantly watching the corridor while also glancing back at Lee and I, as the two of us leant out a window. With a flick of my wand the latch of the window one over clicked open, the window following suit.

"I promised the twins I'd lie low, but that I'd still wreak havoc on Umbitch," I say, keeping my wand ready as Lee levitated the niffler through the now opened window. "Best way to do that, destroy her office."

"Besides," Lee began, successfully navigating the small animal through the window despite the way it twisted and writhed in anticipation. As the animal disappeared from sight, I quickly flicked my wand once more, slamming the window shut and letting the latch seal it in place. "This is the last of the nifflers Fred and George left, it'd be a shame to let it go to waste."

"How they got their hands on multiple nifflers is beyond me," I shrug, stepping down from the window. I return my wand to my hair, where it had been previously threaded through my low ponytail. Usually, I let my hair loose, but with Umbitches new proclivity to the original dress codes of the school, it was now permanently tied in a ponytail. While it left me with a headache by the end of the day most days, it was a convenient place to store my wand. Lee nods in agreement, dusting off his clothes from the dust that had gathered there from how he had been leaning out the window.

"Don't worry Eli, Angelina and Katie are acting as a lookout and if necessary, distraction all the way on the other side of the cas-" Lee stopped mid-sentence, his eyes widening as Angelina came hastily speed walking down the corridor. She nodded her head down the corridor to our right, and the three of us ducked into it, falling into step next to the stressed girl.

"Katie tried to distract her, but Umbridge told her they could talk in her office." She harshly whispered, and I glanced over my shoulder. Katie, accompanied by Umbridge, was awkwardly walking towards the latter's office door. I could hear her saying something about her latest defense essay and what Umbridge thought she could do better to make sure she did well on her exam.

"I knew this wasn't a good idea," Eli groaned, his shoulders tense as he walked. I guess years of spending the majority of his time with Kelby meant he wasn't exactly used to purposefully causing mischief. Sure, he had his fair share of detentions and run-ins with teachers, but most of the time it was because he did something reckless like scale a statue to see how high he could climb. But recently, I made a point of including him wherever I went.

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