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- 04 - 

Professor Umbridge was not fond of me. I learnt that quickly during defence classes. With Kelby sitting with Eli, and Dillon with Tommy, I found myself settling into the seat next to George during defence against the dark arts. While it was hard to pretend it didn't hurt knowing Cedric would've taken the seat usually, I couldn't deny sitting with George was entertaining, to say the least. The first week of classes passed without much drama, other then narrowed eyes as she glared down at George and me whenever she caught us whispering jokes to each other. It seemed, however, that she'd grown stick of glaring at us in our first defence class of the week and was ready to resort to other techniques in order to focus our attention on our work.

"Miss Black, if you would please turn your attention away from your boyfriend and towards your work, I would gladly appreciate it." She smiled threateningly to me after catching me stifling a laugh. I blinked at her for a second, her words playing over in my head. Boyfriend? George? It seemed the rest of the class was thinking the same as me, quiet sniggers broke out across the room. To which Umbridge glared at, though seemed confused as to why they were laughing in the first place. I thought back to when she'd caught me shouting after Fred on the first night of term, and realized she'd obviously only seen Fred's retreating figure, and not been able to identify which of the Weasley twins I was dating.

"I'm uh... actually dating his twin Professor" I smile politely, "But my apologies, I'll get back to my work straight away." The professor's face grows red, and she quickly turns her back on the class and retreated behind her own desk.

"Professor Umbridge, I have a question," George called out, raising his hand in the air, though not waiting for her to call on him. "My younger brother was telling me you weren't planning on involving any practical lessons this year."

"That is correct, Mr. Weasley." She tutted, not looking up from the parchment she was now scribbling on. "However next time you wish to speak, I would appreciate you waiting for me to call on you."

"I was just wondering how you expect us to fight You-Know-Who if we've never used a defensive spell before," George stated bluntly, half the classes gasps while the others hold in the breaths in anticipation. Everyone had heard of the argument that had happened in the fifth year class, resulting in Harry's detention. I grimaced, knowing George was feeling confrontational today.

"Mr. Weasley, You will not be facing You-Know-Who anytime soon I can assu-" Umbridge started through gritted teeth.

"If You-Know-Who isn't back, then who killed Cedric."

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