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For me, Valentine's day was always treated as just another normal day. Except for the fact the girls of the Hogwarts castle seemed a little more tense on the day. Anthony and I's relationship seemed to be bookmarked by Valentine's day. We became official after the day and broke up before the next one. So when I walked to Breakfast on the fourteenth, I wasn't even remotely expecting what I walked in on. Before dating Fred, sure I'd been somewhat known around the school. But other than a few first years here and there, most students had gotten use to going to school with the dragon girl.

Fred and George were well known around the Hogwarts students, their pranks setting them apart from your everyday student. I didn't realize that when I began dating a twin, it would come with its own repercussions. I'd quickly become use to the extra glances that were thrown my way, and the whispers that questioned how I'd managed to tame a Weasley twin.

For the record, I didn't tame Fred. He didn't need to be tamed. His humor was a reason to love him, not something I needed to work past. I was fine with his reckless nature, in fact it was one of the reasons I'd fallen for him.

Valentine's day seemed to make the whispers worse. When I walked into the Great Hall, the eyes of the female students shot between myself and Fred. Wondering what the infamous Fred Weasley would do for his girlfriend on the most romantic day of the year.

"No presents, remember," I said, narrowing my eyes as I sat next to Fred at the Gryffindor table. He raised his hand in surrender, though smiles cheekily at me. "And we're not spending stupid amounts of money at Hogsmeade today either. We've got furniture to buy." I pick up the butter knife, pointing it hazardously at him.

"I remember." He laughed, using his hand to move the knife back down to the table. Lee looked between the two of us with a confused expression. He's sat beside George, on the other side of the table as Fred and I. George has his wand out, and has it pointed at an unsuspecting Ravenclaw. I recognised him as Stephen Bradley, he was a 6th year chaser on the Ravenclaw team. The poor boy was unsuccessfully trying to impress Angelina, through no fault of his own. Each time he moved, something on the table happened to be hit by his hands, sending food and drink all over both Angelina, and her friends.

"Why are you guys buying furniture?" Lee questions, before a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. I grimace at the droplets of milk that spill from his mouth at the hazardous way he eats. It reminds me of Buckbeak.

"For our apartment." George grins, mostly because Stephan Bradley finally gives up and sulks away back to the Ravenclaw table. I laugh, shaking my head at George's obvious attempt at sabotaging any chance of Angelina dating anyone else. "The two of them have me on a ridiculous budget, it's why I haven't got a date today."

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