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Hey there sweetcheeks!

How are you doing? I'm well, got a new scar that I'll tell you all about when I see you next.

Caelin arrived two days ago, though your owl arrived two days before that. I expect he went on a little adventure before deciding to actually follow your instructions. Sorry that it's taken me a while to write this letter, I've barely had a chance to sleep let alone write. I did my best to prepare the other dragons before his arrival, but you know just as well as I do that there's only so much you can do. He's settled now, generally keeps to himself but that's expected. He hasn't taken to many of the handlers, just me and my mate Finn (he's new, just joined the staff last month) but the others will win him over soon I'm sure.

Don't worry about him, just focus on your NEWTs. Good luck and I'll see you soon, it's about time you visited the sanctuary.

Miss you!

Charlie Weasley


Relief washed over me as I read the letter, as each day passed I was growing more and more anxious. An image of ministry officials shooting him out of the sky had been plaguing my dreams, but now I had confirmation. He was alive, safe with Charlie in Romania. I could stop worrying about him, and turn my attention to Fred. As the day progressed, Fred could barely look at me. He seemed as though he was having issues with wanting to spend every moment with me and being unable to look at me without a guilty look on his face. By lunchtime, he seemed to wince every time he accidentally looked in my direction. Honestly, I think it made me more anxious.

Despite Professor Umbridge's displeasure, the letter arrived just before her defense class began. She glared down at me as I opened and read the letter, and I smiled sweetly at her, even with my nerves churning my stomach. I tucked the letter away in my bag, intending to reply later on.

"Miss Black, if you could refrain from receiving and reading letters during my class." With a flick of her wand, a piece of chalk began writing 'N.E.W.T - Revision'. I wanted to laugh. We still had a month and a half before our exams. Sure, our other professors had been expressing the importance of revision and study outside of our normal classes, but they were still teaching us new material. We had at least a week or two of coursework left in each of our classes.

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