- 14 -

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- 14 -

"Soon," is all Fred says to me. We're sitting down by the lake, against a tree and hiding from the newly instated Inquisitorial Squad. Mostly hiding from Montague or anyone else who may have witnessed the... minor run in we had with him earlier in the day. George was further down the bank of the lake, making use of the pleasant spring weather to wade through the reeds in search of an ingredient that was supposedly detrimental to their next pranking product. They wouldn't tell me what the product was of course, or even what George was currently looking for. You'd think that being the girlfriend of one half of the Weasley twins would mean you were allowed to know every little secret that was whispered between the two, but no. I find out about the latest Weasley Wizard Wheezes, at most, seconds before the

"Soon?" I repeat, not quite sure what he was insinuating. George, who had only been far enough into the lake for the water to reach his ankles, slips. I stifle a laugh as he sits in the murky water for a few seconds, stunned. "What's soon?"

"We're leaving, George and I." He states, "Easter holidays are about to start, and after that teachers won't be teaching anything new. Hogwarts has nothing left to offer us."


He seemed to panic at my empty response, taking it as a sign I didn't want him to leave. Part of me doesn't of course, but the other half of me isn't even surprised. In fact, my surprise mostly stems from the fact they had lasted this long at Hogwarts. Charlie had left in his six year, armed only with his wand and the apparition license he had barely passed, and no other then a chance at an interview with the head dragon keeper at the sanctuary in Romania. Fred and George had been seventeen for a year, been more then successful with their apparition tests and had an apartment and shop space that was essentially ready to be opened up, as well as hundreds of students already waiting for the next piece of merchandise to torture their parents, teachers, siblings and friends with. CHarlie was meant to be the older, more responsible one. Fred and George the reckless, troublemakers. I snort, slapping my hand over my face as I try to suppress the laughs that are racing to escape. Fred's now dumbfounded expression makes it worse, and soon I'm in hysterics while Fred watches me in confusion.

"What's her problem," I hear George saying, wondering over, still dripping wet from his fall.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I laugh, struggling to contain myself still. "Its just, you guys have put so much planning into dropping out."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Fred asks, offense coming through in his tone and his facial expressions.

"Well, You've got an apartment, and a successful shop lined up." I try to explain but am only met with identical confused and still offended faces. "When Charlie left, all he had was a friend who was partially sure they could get him an interview with the dragon sanctuary. You're meant to be the spontaneous ones, but you've put so much time and effort into making sure everything's going to go to plan."

subsequent - f. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now