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- 17 - 


I stood by the window long after the fireworks had disappeared. Gazing out and imagining Fred's silhouette returning to me for one last touch, one last smile, one last joke. I wondered if this was how Fred felt nearly a year ago, when it was him watching me fly away from him into the night sky. Of course I knew that he wouldn't return, and all I could do was hold on to the knowledge that once exams were over I would graduate and join him in the real world. In our little apartment, living the rest of our lives together.

A set of footsteps came down the hall below me, most likely a student who had been covered in swamp heading down to dinner after getting themselves cleaned up. I glanced down, making a note of the person. Jamie emerges from around a corner and begins walking to the Great hall.

"Jamie," I call out, a brief moment of confidence. It wasn't often I saw her lately, not to mention the fact she was actually alone. She was constantly flanked by different girls, forming a sort of makeshift army of bodyguards around her. Every time I was nearby they would act like I wasn't there, but then turn and whisper as soon as I was, in their opinion, out of sight and earshot. I'd gotten use to the whispers, but it didn't mean it didn't frustrate me. Especially when I'd walk into our shared dorm room at night and conversations would abruptly die out as soon as I was recognised. I couldn't miss this unexpected chance. With exams soon and the end of school right after there was no way I would get another shot at somewhat mending the rift between us. I rush down the stairs as she glances over her shoulder, but continues to walk away from me. "Jamie, wait up!"

"Leave me alone Elora."

I pause at the bottom of the steps, anger bubbling in my stomach. I couldn't let seven years of friendship disappear because of a breakup. A voice inside me whispered doubts of its legitimacy, if we were friends why did she so easily ignore me?


The word leaves my mouth firmer, and more aggressive than I intend. Finally, the stubborn girl pauses, turning to look at me. I don't recognise her as the first year that demanded I spend time away from my boys for once in my life. There's the same fire behind her eyes, but it's directed to attack me rather than challenge me into agreement.

"I will not leave you alone," I growl, the distaste in her stare making me feel tense and angry. She was the one that taught me how to use makeup. She was the one to help me through my first heartbreak. She was the one that helped me face my feelings for Fred. She destroyed my clothes after Cedric died. For her to look at me with such resentment, such anger felt worse than I imagined a 'crucio' curse ever could. "I want to talk to you, I want you to make me understand what the hell I've done wrong. Because I miss you and I just don't get why you won't talk to me for Merlin's sake."

subsequent - f. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now