- 07 -

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- 07 -

It was quite concerning arriving at the great hall and not seeing Fred, or any of the Weasley family. I sat with my boys at breakfast, eyes shooting to the doors every time they swung open. It wasn't until Hermione came down, alone, and looking worried did I realize something was definitely up. The girl made a beeline towards me, and I immediately stood up as she approached.

"Have you seen Harry or any of the Weasleys?" She asked urgently, wasting no time with greetings. "I woke up this morning and when Ron and Harry didn't come down I went to check on them, but their stuff was gone. I asked Lee but he hadn't seen the twins either."

"What do you mean gone?" I question, but Professor McGonagall approaches the two of us before she can answer.

"Miss Black, Miss Granger, I'm sure the two of you have realized the Weasley's and Mr. Potter are no longer at Hogwarts." McGonagall starts, answering the first question that's on my mind, "Unfortunately Mr. Weasley was attacked late last night, and his children have left to see him and be with their mother."

"Is Mr. Weasley okay?" I ask first, no longer concerned for Fred's wellbeing, but his fathers.

"He's currently recovering at St. Mungos," The professor explained, "My question for the two of you is whether either of you had plans to spend the holiday with the Weasleys?"

"I was planning to spend them at..." I trail off, not know whether I should say Grimmauld Place to loud with other people nearby. "With my family."

"I was planning to spend it with the Weasleys," Hermione states, and I look at her, knowing that her parents had organized a ski trip over the holiday. But I chose not to question her, not with the determined look she had on her face.

"Well the Weasleys are now spending the holiday with your family Miss Black," Professor McGonagall said, eyeing me carefully, telling me she knew I wasn't referring to the Crams. "Miss Black, would whoever is picking you up from the station be willing to take Miss Granger as well?

"I was planning on apperating, but yes I'd be happy to take Hermione with me."

"Brillant." She nods, she turns on her heels and begins walking towards the main table. "Give Mr. Weasley my regards."

"I thought you were going skiing?" I ask Hermione once the professor was gone.

"Well yes, but I'm not very fond of skiing and I'd just be worried about Mr. Weasley the whole time." Hermione nods as if convincing herself more than me. She says goodbye quickly, pulling a piece of parchment out of her bag, no doubt to write her parents an apology letter.

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